Veteran of Russian fisheries writes book about major fishing region

August 10, 2009 09:19

At the end of 2007 a rare book on Kaliningrad came out of print in Moscow (publishing house "Interbook Business"). The rare one is it because of being written in the English language while most of modern books on the Region are usually published either in Russian or in German.

The book is entitled Königsberg-Kaliningrad. Information for Consideration and consists of 14 chapters that cover various spheres of life, including history, geography, population, natural resources, economy, energy sector, fishing industry, horse breeding, culture, etc. The largest chapter in the book is that dedicated to the fishery, taking up 24 pages out of the total 150. As seen from this Chapter, the pattern of fishing activity in the Middle Ages was an artisanal fishery. After joining the Hanseatic League Königsberg played an important role in the fish trade based on big herring catches in the Baltic Sea in the 15th century. Giving a brief round-up of further changes in the Region's fishery in that period, the author then devotes the remaining space of the Chapter to the development of the local fishing industry in Soviet times, in the post-perestroika period and up to mid-2007. Special attention is paid to the present situation in the fishing industry of the Kaliningrad Region. Important conclusions are made, and the author proposes some concrete measures to be taken aimed at the revival of the Kaliningrad fishing industry. 

The text of the book is supplemented by 50 photos (most of them color), including 6 related to fisheries.

The author of the book is Georgy Zaytsev. He is a pensioner with a life-long experience in fisheries. His previous English-language publications are: the Study "The Fishery Industries in Russia" (FAO/GLOBEFISH, volume 43, 1996) and articles "The Curiosity of Carp" (the Soviet magazine Sputnik, October 1987) and "Aquaculture and Mariculture in Russia" (Eurofish magazine, no. 6, 1999).

The book was published at the author's own expense.

Those interested to buy this book are kindly recommended to contact Georgy Zaytsev directly by e-mail. His address is

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