Trond Williksen appointed new CEO in AKVA group ASA
The Board of Directors of AKVA group ASA has appointed Trond Williksen (Born 1963) as CEO of AKVA group ASA, reports with reference to AKVA Group.
Trond Williksen has broad experience from fishery and fish farming business and is currently Executive Vice President responsible for the fishing vessels in Aker Seafoods. Trond Williksen holds an MBA in strategy, finance and operational management from the University of Washington, USA. As part of the conditions Trond Williksen has been granted 120.000 share options at a strike price of NOK 17, this within the existing share option program.
"The Board of Directors is very pleased to welcome Trond Williksen as the new CEO of AKVA group ASA. He has good management experience and strong track record from his previous positions forming the basis for managing AKVA group in the future", says Chairman Amund Skarholt in AKVA group ASA. Trond Williksen will take up his position no later than 01.06.2011.