According to the Ministry of Fisheries’ decision on quota allocations for the new quota year, HB Grandi’s fleet receives a total of 40,125 cod-equivalent tonnes. This represents 10.67% of the total allocation and is a 0.50% lower share than the company held last year. The reason for this share reduction lies in the weight each species has in the cod-equivalent index between years.
A closer look shows that the total quota allocation is approximately 439,000 tonnes, or 376,000 cod-equivalent tonnes. This is a minor reduction compared to last year, and there were similar figures for the 203-14 quota year at 443,300 tonnes in total and 381,400 cod-equivalent tonnes.
HB Grandi receives 48,853 tonnes of various species, compared to 50,352 tonnes for the quota year that has just ended. In percentage terms of total allocations, HB Grandi drops from 11.36% in the last quota year to 11.13% this year. It should be remembered that allocations for species such as Atlanto-Scandian herring, capelin, mackerel and blue whiting have not yet been allocated as those quotas are set on a calendar year basis.