Statistics Iceland: Fish catches in July 2010

August 17, 2010 11:28

Total catch of Icelandic vessels in July 2010 was 116,820 tonnes compared to 160,132 tonnes in July 2009, reports with reference to Statistics Iceland.

Demersal species accounted for 27 thousand tonnes, thereof cod 9 thousand tonnes, haddock 4 thousand tonnes, saithe 5 thousand tonnes and redfish 3 thousand tonnes. The pelagic catch was 86 thousand tonnes, thereof mackerel 53 thousand tonnes and herring 32 thousand.

At constant prices the volume of the catch decreased by 13.2% in July 2010 compared with July 2009.

Information about catch of fish which are published in this press release are preliminary figures. The data is gathered by the Directorate of Fisheries.

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