Seafood Summit 2011: Responsibility without Borders?

May 21, 2010 09:31

SeaWeb's Seafood Choices is now accepting proposals for panels, presentations and workshops at Seafood Summit 2011, which will be held from January 31 - February 2, 2011 at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, Canada, reports with reference to Seafood Choices.

Don't miss your chance to help shape the dialogue on sustainable seafood.  Full information can be found below and at

The sustainable seafood movement has collectively made great strides in the past few years, arguably the biggest paradigm shift ever witnessed in seafood markets. However the ever-present challenge is to maintain the momentum, and bring in new collaborators from new markets, and from through out the value chain. As our conversations and action mature we must test our community with new questions, and a common thread is emerging in those questions: what is the scope of our responsibility.

Some areas to explore might include;

°          Does our responsibility stop with the fishery; the science, the local ecosystem, the biomass?

°          Should our responsibility address ethical questions around the use of the fish; for human consumption, for pharmaceutical use, for animal production?

°          How far does our scope of responsibility extend around social and community issues in developing, producing nations?

°          To what level can the different stakeholders of the value chain influence wider policy, and what is their responsibility to do so?

°          Where does the edge of our responsibility lie in protecting, even on a precautionary level, fisheries crucial to simple ecosystems; such as krill?

°          What is the ethical debate on technically powerful commercial fisheries?

°          How aware should the consumer be of these wider issues?

°          When illegal product enters the supply chain whom is complicit?

°          What role can Standards play in managing the scope of responsibility?

Click here for more details.

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