Scottish salmon tops poll of international seafood buyers

May 18, 2011 10:04
Scottish salmon has been named 'best farmed salmon in the world' in a poll of international seafood buyers from leading retail and food service companies, reports with reference to SSPO.
One of the world's leading seafood publications, Seafood International, asked 20 buyers from 10 countries to pick the best farmed salmon producing country based on superior taste, quality and appearance.
Scottish salmon topped the poll with seven votes, Norway was second with six and Canada was third with two.
The results of the survey were announced at the world's largest seafood show, European Seafood Exposition (3rd-5th May).
John Fiorillo, Editor of Seafood International, said: "The survey results are significant because these are some of the biggest and most influential seafood buyers in the world.
"To choose Scottish salmon is high praise because what these buyers purchase ultimately ends up on restaurant menus and dinner plates at home - the buyers are the gatekeepers to the consumer," added Fiorillo.
Scott Landsburgh, Chief Executive of Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation, said: "It has been a great week for Scottish farmed salmon: it was served to 350 guests in Buckingham Palace at the Royal Wedding, export demand is up 20 per cent to a record level and, now, our farmed salmon has been voted the best in the world."
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