Scientific Observers Scheme on the suppliers vessels

May 25, 2010 16:22

In 2010 Ocean Trawlers initiated a Scientific Observers Scheme to be performed on the vessel of its suppliers in connection with MSC certification of the Barents Sea cod and haddock. The Scheme is performed by Russian fishery research institute PINRO, reports with reference to Ocean Trawlers.

The aim of the Scheme is to ensure collection of samples and other data to provide scientists and managers with reliable and representative information necessary for sustainable management of the stocks of NEA cod and NEA haddock.

The scientific observers on the vessels shall collect the following data:

  • Types of used fishing gears, their parameters including groundline equipment, minimum mesh size and availability of any auxiliary equipment;
  • Catch composition by areas and fishing seasons;
  • Entire utilization of catches;
  • Discards of marine biological resources permitted for target fishery;
  • Bycatches and utilization of species prohibited to fish, rare and threatened species;
  • Bycatches of bottom (benthic) organisms including those belonging to threatened marine ecosystems;
  • Bycatch of coldwater corrals and sponges;
  • Compliance of information recorded in the fishing logbook to the actual fishing activities.

The results of the Scheme after first three months proved that the species composition of marine bioresources reported by the vessels and retained on board corresponded to the observed composition. Some single occasional bycatch of marine bioresources that were returned to the natural environment in accordance with the applicable fishery regulations was observed. The most typical non-marketable and non-target fish species occurred in trawl as bycatch were skate (Raja clavata), lump-sucker, ling, anglerfish, Atlantic halibut, some sponges (Porifera) and corals. No significant bycatch of endanger, threatened and protected species was registered. No infringements of fishing rules or management regulations were observed.

For more information, contact Corporate Communications of Ocean Trawlers Group at , or +852 2446 8200.

The Ocean Trawlers Group is a market leader in the supply and processing of cod and haddock from the North Atlantic, and a significant player in the global seafood industry.

The Hong Kong based Group handles about 120,000 mts (metric tonnes) of fish and seafood yearly, mainly cod and haddock.

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