Salmon exports leap ahead of last year

November 9, 2010 14:22

This year to date, the value of Norwegian Salmon exports totals NOK 24.9 billion, an increase of NOK 5.9 billion compared to the same period last year. The volume of exports stands at 628,000 tonnes, up by 66,000 tonnes from the same period last year. In the record-setting year of 2009, Norwegian Salmon exports totalled NOK 23.7 billion - for the year as a whole, reports with reference to NSEC.

"This year to date, the total value of Norwegian Salmon exports stands at NOK 24.9 billion, up by 31% from the same period last year," says market analyst Paul Aandahl from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council. "In October, Norwegian Salmon exports totalled over NOK 3 billion. This is the highest export value ever registered for Norwegian Salmon in a single month and represents an increase of NOK 842 million compared to October last year. Total exports of Norwegian Salmon products increased in volume by 7% to 77,000 tonnes. This is the equivalent of over 290 million meals of salmon."

Exports to Russia show biggest increase in volume

Exports of Norwegian Salmon to Russia in October increased in volume by 2,935 tonnes to a total of 10,719 tonnes. Exports of fresh Norwegian Salmon showed an increase, while exports of frozen whole Norwegian Salmon were down. Fresh Norwegian Salmon comprised 94% of total Norwegian Salmon exports to Russia in October.

Continued growth in exports to EU

The EU is Norway's most important export market for Norwegian Salmon, accounting for 68% of total exports of Norwegian Salmon in terms of volume. In October, exports to the EU grew by 2%. The strongest growth was in exports to Poland, up by 2,000 tonnes or 23%. Most of the Norwegian Salmon exports to Poland are further processed before being re-exported, primarily to other EU markets.
France is the biggest single market for Norwegian Salmon. Direct exports to France in October showed a downturn in volume of 2% to 11,000 tonnes.

Volume of exports to Asia unchanged

The volume of Norwegian Salmon exports to Asia in October totalled 4,800 tonnes, the same as for October last year. In Asia, Japan is the most important market for Norwegian Salmon. The volume of Norwegian Salmon exports to Japan in October totalled 1,841 tonnes, some 339 tonnes down compared to the same month last year. The volume of exports to South Korea and Taiwan was also down, while growth was seen in exports to markets such as China/Hong Kong and Thailand.

Growth in value of Norwegian Fjord Trout exports

The value of exports of Norwegian Fjord Trout increased in October by NOK 8 million to NOK 173 million, despite the volume of exports declining by 1,180 tonnes to 4,411 tonnes. Russia, Japan and Hong Kong were the three most important markets for Norwegian Fjord Trout in October.

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