Russia's seafood import from Norway keeps growing

May 29, 2009 16:34

Russia's import of Norwegian seafood has been greatly growing against the background of a generally negative trend for the nation's seafood imports from all the sources, reports (

More specifically, according to the Norwegian Seafood Export Council, in January-April 2009 the total export of seafood from Norway reached 932,000 tonnes at the total value of 2.17 billion USD. As compared to the same period last year, the Norwegian export grew by 4.3% in volume and by 14.3% in value. Russia has remained the leading importer of Norwegian seafood. In particular, in the first four months of the current year 2009 the Norwegian seafood export to the country grew by 51.5% to 196,200 tonnes, and by 46.9% to 264 million USD in value.

The structure of the Norwegian seafood export to Russia is dominated by salmon with an increase of 1% to 16,800 tonnes on last year, trout with a rise of 6% to 11,300 tonnes, herring with a rise of 13% to 71,800 tonnes and mackerel with a 5.9 times boost to 8900 tonnes. In the meantime, the main increase in volume as compared to the same period of last year has been due to a 5-fold growth of the Norwegian export of capelin to Russia to 52,800 tonnes (+42,300 tonnes).

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