Russia's fishery industry to enjoy state investments of RUB62 billion

September 15, 2009 12:59

Russia's fishery industry will receive RUB62 billion as state investments and support, reports ( with reference to Novyi Region.

Such figures have been made public at the Fourth International Fishermen's Congress "Strategy of sustainable fishery management and maintenance of seafood markets' stability" which has been conducted in Vladivostok.

According to the Congress's final resolution, even in a situation of the world financial crisis the nation's fishery industry continues to develop. The fish catches grew by 12%, investments to main assets jumped by 29%, wages rose by 22% and the money turnover - by 25%.

In order to encourage development of the fishery industry the government has approved a federal target program for to the years 2009-2013.

In the course of discussions the participants of the congress have taken a decision to encourage integration of eco-system management into state and corporative fishery management, create conditions for ecological certification of fisheries, create international consortiums for designing, building and modernisation of the fleet, organisation of wholesale markets and production facilities on the territory of Russia. The participants have agreed that it is especially important to use the three-mile zone for mariculture development.

The Congress has also appeals to the governments of Russia and other countries to define common criteria and technological requirements to the fishing fleets as well as to improve the methods of reporting and monitoring aimed at liquidation the IUU fishing (illegal, unregulated and unreported). Besides, the states have been recommended to strengthen control of the seafood origin at ports.

The delegates have called upon the fishermen of the world, the governments, research and social organizations and the international community to join the movement towards the ecological safety of seafood, join forces to fight with the IUU fishing, encourage compulsory and voluntary certification of products and cooperate in disclosure of illegally harvested fish.

The fishermen have proposed to start development of the international programs and projects aimed at providing for sustainable fishery of transboundary bioresources, elaborate common definition under the eco-system approach for such components of the fishery industry as ecology, fishing biology, oceanography, economy and sociology of the fishery industry. It is very important that the fishermen of the world get access to forecasts on natural and economic cataclysms. That would let the industry avoid crises and ecological catastrophes.

The Fishermen's Congress was held in Vladivostok, Russia, from 8 to 10 September 2009. More than 500 participants, including 200 representatives from 18 foreign countries, took part in the event. The foreign delegation included participants from the USA, Germany, South Korea, China, North Korea, Chile, the Ukriane, Japan, Australia, Spain, Denmark, Latvia, UK and Thailand. Russia was represented by participants coming from Moscow, Ryazan, Magadan, Murmansk, Kemerovo, Kamchatka, Altay, Perm, Khabarovsk and Chukotka.

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