Russia's fish production in 1st quarter 2011 rising in line with seafood consumption

May 17, 2011 11:31
Fish and seafood production in Russia has been showing positive trends in the first quarter of the year 2011 in line with rising seafood consumption in the country, according to Russian Fish Insider Report published by

According to data of Russia's Federal State Statistics Service as cited by Alexander Saveljev, PR Head of Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency, in January-March 2011 seafood production in Russia grew by 4.1% with the fish fillet output growing by 42.2% and that of marinated fish by 75.2%. Actually, positive trends have been observed in all main spheres of the fishery industry, namely in fishing, fish processing and trade. A small decline has been observed only in production of slightly salted finfish (-2.9%) and herring (-5.5%).

The Agency reports that the nation's total harvest of finfish and other aquatic species from the start of the year 2011 amounted to 1.598 million metric tons, 81,000 tonnes of 5.3% up on the corresponding result of 2010.

Last year Russian fishermen harvested more than 4 million tonnes of aquatic species, which was marked as a historical record for the last 20 years.

In March 2011 fish and seafood retail trade turnover grew by 5.7% on the previous month, while in the same month last year the result showed a decline by 0.5%.

Turnover of fishing and fish farming companies in March 2011 amounted to 13.6 billion RUR, which in terms of current prices was 14.5% higher than last year. In the first quarter of the year 2011 the Russian seafood turnover amounted to 31 billion RUR, 9.3% up on last year. The production index for the fishery sector amounted to 127.7% in March 2011 and 113% through the first three months of the year.

Import of frozen fish in January-March 2011 as compared to the same period of last year declined by 38% to 118,000 tonnes, while export decreased by 6% to 375,800 tonnes, said Mr. Saveljev with reference to Russia's Federal Customs Service.


Seafood consumption in 2010 exceeded 20 kilos per capita, equal to ca.28 kilos in live weight of fish, said Russia's fishery industry head Andrey Krainy. In 2009, according to the nation's Federal State Statistics Service, the average per capita consumption of finfish and other aquatic products amounted to 20.3 kilos.

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation recommends annual seafood consumption of 18-22 kilos per capita. Thus, the current fish consumption in Russia is in keeping with the recommended norms for healthy diet.

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