Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency issuing permits for fish resource surveys in nation's EEZ

May 26, 2009 16:34

Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency in cooperation with the Federal Security Service has started issuing permits for the surveys of aquatic biological resources in the Russian EEZ, reports ( with reference to PRIME-TASS.

The development has been stipulated by the order of the Russian Government No.428 dated 18 May 2009 "About the measures for fishery conduct in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation".

The Russian and foreign persons conducting fishery in the Russian exclusive economic zone are obliged to present reports (including printed copies of computer reports) about the catch volumes, time periods, species and areas for capture of aquatic bioresources, including information on the number, quality and species transshipped to other boats or shipped from other boats in foreign ports, to the Federal Security Service, the Federal Customs Service, the Federal Fisheries Agency, the Federal Service of Financial-Budgetary Surveillance and the Federal Tax Service on their request.

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