Russian vets lifted restrictions from three plants

October 29, 2008 12:44

Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor has lifted temporary restrictions for importation of seafood made by three plants, reports ( with reference to the service.

More specifically, as of 25 October 2008 the Russian vets have cancelled restrictions temporarily imposed on the Vietnamese plant No. HK173. Thus, the new regulation has partly changed the service's directive No. FS-GK-4/6715 dated 8 July 2008.

Besides, the Russian veterinary body has lifted restrictions from the French plant No. FR 35.288.25 ES as of 27 October 2008. Thus, the regulation has partly changed the service's directive No.FS-GK-4/8074 dated 13 August 2008.

At last, the vets have cancelled restrictions from the Canadian plant No. RN3537 also as of 27 October 2008. The regulation has changed the service's directive No.FS-EN-4/13172 dated 12 December 2007.

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