Russian vets issue export approvals for several Icelandic vessels and establishments

May 15, 2007 12:49

Under its directive No. FS-EN-2/3106 dated 10 April 2007 the Russian veterinary and phytosanitary service Rosselkhoznadzor has allowed seafood shipments from Icelandic fish processing plants and vessels with the following licenses IS-01705, IS-05601, IS-05110, IS-61201, IS-60645, IS-61701, IS-61695, IS-01711, IS-01713 as of 1 June 2007. The approval has come as a result of a recent inspection carried out in cooperation with the respective Icelandic services.

The decision concerns all previously issued licenses of Rosselkhoznadzor for seafood importation from Iceland to Russia in 2007.

The above information has been brought to the notice of all its inferior organizations as well as interested companies engaged in foreign trade.

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