Russian vets holding seafood safety talks with Denmark

April 8, 2009 16:21

At the talks on safety of seafood shipments from Denmark the nation's Minister-Counselor Poul Jacob Erikstrup has promised representatives from Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) that the Danish exporters have become completely compliant with the requirements of the Russian standards, reports ( with reference to the Service.

At the meeting the sides have also discussed the issues on seafood shipments from the Faroe Islands and from Greenland.

In December 2008 Rosselkhoznadzor and the Danish veterinary service signed a memorandum on seafood safety, as a result of which 15 Danish fish processing plants have been approved for export to the Russian Federation as per 1 January 2009. After that, according to the agreement reached in Berlin in January 2009, the Danish vets have forwarded to their Russian colleagues the results of checks of other two fish processors. Rosselkhoznadzor has agreed to include these companies into the list of approved suppliers of seafood products to the Russian market. The results of a check of another processor are now being examined by the Russian vets.

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