Russian shrimp producers securing export duty cancellation

December 1, 2010 12:39
The Government of the Russian Federation has approved cancellation of 10% export duty for frozen Pandalidae shrimp (HSC 0306 13 100 0), the decision has been long awaited by the nation's exporters, reports (

More specifically, the Russian producers of Pacific shrimps have spared no effort to promote seafood products on the domestic market, while foreign trade has been also complicated by poor market infrastructure. After introduction of mandatory customs clearance of catches on the Russian customs territory the nation's trawlers targeting shrimps beyond the 12-mile zone had to pay a 10% duty which dramatically declined the fishery efficiency.

Pandalidae shrimps such as pink shrimp Pandalus borealis, coonstriped shrimp Pandalus hypsinotus and prawn Pandalus kessleri czerniavski are harvested in the Russian Far East Basin. Russian shrimp exporters include such companies as BINOM, Istok AB, Kammag, Albacor, Batial, ЗИЕАб Magadanryba, Vostok-Ryba and others.

Russian shimps are mostly shipped to the Japanese market in raw frozen form. Such products fetch high prices and therefore are not competitive on the Russian market, while sushi-bars still show a limited demand for the products.

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