Russian scientists making forecasts on roe herring fishery 2009

August 4, 2009 12:07

Scientists from Vladivostok-based TINRO-Centre fishery research institute have analyzed the current condition of the Pacific herring populations and made forecast on distribution of catches between the areas in the course of fishery 2009, reports ( with reference to the Centre's press-service.

The herring TAC 2009 in the Russian Far East has been defined at 273,700 tonnes. The fishery will be based on two populations, namely those of Okhotsk and Gizhigino-Kamchatka. The TAC of Okhotsk herring amounts to 211,000 tonnes. In 2009 the Russian fishermen have already harvested 46,900 tonnes of wintering and prespawning herring or 55,900 tonnes including spawning herring.

Until 2003 the harvest of Okhotsk feeding herring has always been higher than that of prespawning, however starting from 2004 the catch of roe herring has tended to be fairly large. Nevertheless, after approving the new Fishery Regulations for the Russian Far East Basin, the new rules limiting the fishery of prespawning herring, the harvest of feeding herring should be growing again. The TAC of Gizhiginsko-Kamchatka herring in 2009 has been defined at 53,000 tonnes. The herring season in 2009 will begin in September-October 2009 and last until the end of December 2009.

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