Russian scientists giving recommendations of TACs 2011

March 5, 2010 11:01

In mid-February 2010 Russian scientists from TINRO research institute gathered in Khababarovsk to work out recommendations of TACs 2011, reports ( with reference to the fishery sources in Vladivostok.

In the year 2011 the fishermen of the Russian Far East are recommended to harvest ca.3.6 million tones of aquatic bioresources, on a par with last year (less salmons). As usual, the bulk of the harvest will be contributed by finfish - 81.9% (2,896,100 tonnes), shellfish - 1.85% (66,200 tonnes), mollusks - 9.6% (342,700 tonnes), echinodermata - 0.4% (13,300 tonnes), seaweed - 7% (250,050 tonnes) and mammals - 0.2% (8800 tonnes).

According to the current Fishery Regulations, a lot of Pacific species are classified as TAC-regulated species, the total harvest of which is recommended at ca.3 million tones. The total harvest of species not regulated by TACs is recommended at 659,200 tonnes.

As for the fishing areas, the TACs are decreased in five areas: namely, in West Bering Sea zone (-70,600 tonnes), Petropavlovsk-Komandor subarea (-2000 tonnes), North Okhotsk subarea (-18,700 tonnes), West Kamchatka (-20,000 tonnes) and south part of Primorye subarea (-5000 tonnes). In the first mentioned fishing area the TACs are reduced due to smaller recommendations of Atka mackerel catches (-27,000 tonnes) caused by weak stock recruitment, while in the East Sakhalin subarea the decline is due to pollock (-15,400 tonnes).

In the West Bering Sea zone the recommended TACs are reduced due to smaller abundance of the East Bering Sea pollock (-67,300 tonnes). The flounder TACs are also decreased by 7500 tonnes. In the North Okhotsk subarea the pollock TAC is reduced by 55,000 tonnes, halibut catches are also recommended to be decreased. The pollock TACs in the West Kamchatka subarea are declined by 37,800 tonnes.

At the same time, scientists recommend to raise the pollock TAC in the East Sakhalin subarea from 48,400 tonnes in 2010 to 82,300 tonnes in 2011.

At the southwest coast of Kamchatka the fishermen will be able to harvest 2000 tonnes of pollock more, and in the waters of the North Kuriles the TACs are increased by 3400 tonnes.

As compared to last year a considerable increase of catch volumes is offered for herring in the Karaginsk subarea, the TAC of which is recommended to amount to 10,000 tonnes. The herring TAC is increased in the North Okhotsk subarea (+35,000 tonnes) and in the West Kamchatka (+3000 tonnes).

The cod and wachna cod TACs 2011 are declined by 10,000 and 13,000 tonnes correspondingly, mostly in the North Kuriles and Kamchatka Kurile subarea. The flounder TACs in the West Bering Sea zone are reduced by 7500 tonnes.

A slight increase of TACs is recommended for such species as red king crab in the North Okhotsk subarea, golden king crab in the North Kuriles and blue king crab in the Sea of Japan. Crabbers will be allowed to harvest by 3000 tonnes of snow crab more thanks to higher TACs in the Bering Sea and in the Sea of Japan. At the same time, the TAC of red snow crab in the Sea of Japan is decreased by nearly 6000 tonnes.

As for squid the decreased TAC 2010 in the South Kurile zone (by 10,000 tonnes as compared to 2009) is recommended to be raised by 5000 tonnes.

In general the condition of pollock stocks in East Sakhalin and South Kuriles, Karaginsk and Okhotsk herring, saury, skates and grenadier enable the fishermen to increase their catches. Strong abundance of Pacific salmons has been observed for a couple of years running.

The recommended TACs are yet to go through ecological expertise which will either approve or reject them.

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