Russian Government set rules of organization of artificial reproduction of aquatic biological stocks

September 12, 2008 17:14

By its Directive No. 645 dated 25 August 2008 the Russian Government has laid down the rules of organization of artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources in water bodies of fishery importance, according to Prime-Tass.

The artificial reproduction includes:

-capture of aquatic biological resources for roe, caviar, milt, sperm and forming of repair broodstocks purposes;

-growing for further release of juveniles/larvae into the bodies of fishery importance;

-catching of predator and invaluable biological species in order to prevent them from eating the juveniles of valuable species in the places of their release.

The reproduction of aquatic biological resources by means of farming is conducted on the basis of contracts between individuals and legal entities and Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency (RosRybolovstvo).

The respective contracts shall be made in accordance with the Federal Law "About placing of orders for supplies of goods, fulfilling jobs, services for the State or Municipal Needs" except for those cases as:

-contracts with Federal State Bodies under Federal Fisheries Agency charge;

- contracts with Federal State Bodies which specialize in farming of aquatic biological resources in water bodies of fishery importance;

-contracts with individuals and legal entities which farm aquatic biological resources in water bodies of fishery importance in order to compensate for their damage inflicted on those resources in their habitat.

Notably, according to the contract, the individual person or the legal entity should release a defined amount of juveniles/larvae/bioresouces of a certain mass in the water bodies and in the period of time stated in the contract.

Russian Federal Fisheries Agency annually approves before 10 December of the preceding year the reproduction measures (excluding pacific salmon) and before 10 April the measures for Pacific salmon reproduction.

The Federal Fisheries Agency shall be in charge to define the volumes of farming activities to be included into the contracts.

Federal State bodies under the Federal Fisheries Agency shall be in charge to sell the resources fished after the stock reproduction measures have been fulfilled.

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