Russia producing forecast of salmon catch in Sakhalin and Kuriles

March 5, 2009 16:25

In the coming summer season 2009 the potential harvest of salmons in the Sakhalin and Kuriles is forecasted to exceed 178,700 tonnes. The forecast has been prepared by VNIRO and SakhNIRO research institutes, reports ( with reference to RIA Sakhalin-Kurily.

The strongest runs of salmons are expected in the East Sakhalin and South Kurile zones. The catch limit in these areas amounts to 99,100 tonnes of pink salmon, 8000 tonnes of chum salmon and 45,400 tonnes of pink salmon, 12,700 tonnes of chum salmon correspondingly.

The smallest catches of slightly below 2300 tonnes are forecasted by VNIRO specialists in the North Kurile zone. Along with traditional pinks and chums, the North Kurile fishermen will be able to harvest such valuable species as sockeye, coho and chinook.

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