Russia getting cod, haddock, capelin and halibut quotas 2011

October 15, 2010 15:11
On 8 October 2010 the 39th Session of Mixed Russia-Norway Fisheries Commission took place in Norwegian Svolvaer, the Commission setting the nations' quotas 2011 for cod, haddock, capelin and halibut, reports

According to the Head of Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency, a chairman of the Russian delegation Mr. A. Krainy, for the first time since 1997 the Russian TAC for cod in 2011 has been set up at the level of 307,000 tonnes, 41,000 tonnes up from the current year level. For the first time since 1973 the haddock quotas have been set up at 140,000 tonnes, 28,600 tonnes up from the previous year level. Capelin TAC amounted to 105,000 tonnes while the TAC for halibut amounted to 6,750 tonnes.

Besides, during the meeting the questions of technical measures of fishery regulations have been approved. Among them were such questions as temporary simplified order of approvals for fishing vessels of both countries and setting the minimal harvesting size of cod - 44 cm and haddock -40 cm. Besides, the Parties agreed on the procedure of opening and closure of the fishing areas. Norwegian side will notify the opening and closure of the fishing areas 7 days before. This is the first step to create a joint mechanism of technical regulation of fisheries in the Barents and Norwegian Seas.

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