Royal Greenland: Raw material from the Northwest Pacific

April 1, 2011 16:22

During the current events in Japan, there have been some concerns about the safety of food stuffs from this area. The company says it is monitoring the situation in Japan closely, including the hazard of contamination of its raw materials that come from or transit in this area, reports with reference to Royal Greenland.

The raw material currently used in the company's factories have been caught, processed and shipped before the catastrophic events occurred. Fish caught, processed or shipped in this area of the world after the 11th of March 2011 will only be handled at the factories after satisfying results of relevant analyses. Current goods on stock are exclusively taken from 2010 catches. The company will submit to international requirements for controlling and analyzing of the quality in general of the goods and raw material.
This means that all products from the Pacific or stocked goods from Japan will be thoroughly analyzed before sales and the company is said to be in constant dialogue with the relevant authorities regarding the situation.

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