Pink salmon fishery unrolling in southwest Sakhalin

May 26, 2009 16:33

The Commission on management of anadromous fish headed by Sakhalin's Vice-Governor Sergey Karepkin has approved the deadline for the start of the salmon fishery as well as catch volumes of masu salmon, pink salmon and chum salmon in the region's rivers, reports ( with reference to Novosti.

The pink salmon fishery will start first in the waters of the southwest Sakhalin on 25 May 2009, while the chum salmon fishery in the area will be allowed only from 20 August 2009. In the southwest coast of Sakhalin the fishermen are allowed to harvest pink salmon and chum salmon from 25 June 2009. After that the fishery will start in the waters of the northeast Sakhalin from 1 July 2009 for pink salmon and from 15 August 2009 for chum salmon. The same starting dates have been officially approved for the salmon fishery in the Terpenia Bay.

In the southeast Sakhalin the fishermen will start harvesting pink salmon and chum salmon from 5 July 2009 and 20 August 2009 correspondingly. In the Aniva Bay fixed seine fishery of pink salmon is allowed from 5 July 2009 and the chum salmon fishery is possible from 25 August 2009. In the waters of Iturup and Kunashir (Kurile Islands) the opening dates for the pink salmon fishery and the chum salmon fishery have been the same, 1 July and 15 July correspondingly. As for the North Kurile and Kamchatka Kurile areas the dateline has been set at 1 June 2009.

In Sakhalin and in the Kuriles the fishermen are planning to harvest ca.180,000 tonnes of salmon fish in 2009, 70,000 tonnes up on 2008. According to the forecasts, the tax disbursements from the fishery industry to the province's budget in 2009 will exceed 1.5 billion RUB.

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