Overview of seafood exports from Russia's Far East in May 2010

July 20, 2010 16:21

The general situation on the Russian export market was marked by mixed trends, according to the overview prepared by analysts of http://www.megafishnet.com/ (https://www.fishnet.ru/) based on Japanese and Russian sources.

For instance, supplies of frozen APO roe increased but exports of herring and salmon roe fell, what could be important in the light of beginning pink salmon season in the coastal area.

Supplies of crabs, shrimps and sea urchins decreased noticeably while the supplies of herring, Atka mackerel, ocean perch, halibut, flounder and cod.

APO roe

As expected, in May 2010 Russian supplies of raw material were not so active if compared with April in all directions, but they surpassed seriously the results of the same period of last year, while in May 2009 the seasonal exports of APO roe of the Russian origin almost hit the peak level of June 2009.

Export volume of direct exports of Russian raw materials on the Japanese market decreased by 12% to 6,700 tonnes in May 2010 if compared with April when seasonal auction sales in Pusan reached the maximum of activity.

Import to South Korea decreased by 38% to 700 tonnes while exports to China for processing hit the record of decrease with only one container (23 tonnes) officially reported to be shipped in May 2010 in comparison with more than 300 tonnes supplied in April 2010.

Total import volume to Japan, South Korea and China decreased by 17.5% in May 2010 amounting about 7,500 tonnes.

From March 2010 when seasonal supplies took off, total import to Japan, South Korea and China amounted to almost 19,000 tonnes of Russian products (obviously from the Sea of Okhotsk fisheries). That was 97% up on March, April and May 2009 though by the end of the season the growth will not be so huge because the production volume in the season 2010 amounted to 31,000 - 32,000 tonnes according to the Japanese estimates in comparison with 25,000 - 26,000 in 2009.

It is clear, that Japanese market dominated in Russian products' supply to more extent than last year. In the first five months of 2010 the import volume to Japan exceeded by 2.5% the volume of the whole 2009 year level and amounted to almost 16,500 tonnes of which 15,700 tonnes were imported from March to May 2010 when the products of the current season were supplied.

At the same time, average import price (CIF) in the period amounted to just Y810.00 per kilo in comparison with Y950.00 per kilo in the year 2009. Nevertheless, total Japanese import value of Russian raw materials increased by practically 65% to ca.Y13.5 billion or ca.USD150.00 million in comparison with the year 2009. In May 2010 the average import price to Japan amounted to about Y830.00 or about USD8.90 per kilo.

Import to China represented mainly by products purchased by Japanese buyers for the Chinese processors amounted to almost 1000 tonnes in the period, an increase of more than four times in comparison with the previous year. Import to the South Korea amounted to about 2,300 tonnes practically not increasing in comparison with the previous year figures, though more active sales happened in spring months. Due to this fact, import to South Korea is supposed to fall in comparison with the year 2009.

Average import price to South Korea in the period under analysis amounted to about USD6.80 per kilo decreasing by almost USD1.00 per kilo in comparison with the year 2009, though in terms of the year period the level of decrease might be less prominent. At the same time, average import price to China amounted to about USD8.00 per kilo, an increase of almost 80% from the previous year level. It is most obviously that the price level will not increase taking into account the results of seasonal supplies as last year during the most active period of supply in summer the prices were at the level of USD9.00 per kilo level.

Salmon roe

In May 2010 supply of frozen salmon roe to Japan did not occur and the total import volume to Japan from January to May 2010 stayed at the level of 500 tonnes decreasing by 31% in comparison with the year 2009. Average import price decreased by 36% amounting to only ca.Y1065.00 per kilo.

Import of Russia-produced salted sieved roe amounted to only 4 tonnes while last year no imports of such roe were reported. Total import volume in the first five years of 2010 amounted to 18 tonnes in comparison with no supplies in the previous year reported. Average import price in May 2010 amounted to Y2045.00 per kilo (USD22.00 per kilo).


Volume of Japanese import of frozen salmon of Russian origin in May 2010 were quite short but more than both in April 2010 and in the same period last year. Total import amounted to about 110 tonnes, an increase of almost 7 times in comparison with May 2009 and more than 5 times in comparison with April 2010.

Import of the frozen sockeye salmon reached almost 40 tonnes against a little bit more than 20 tonnes in April 2010 and almost 20 tonnes in May 2009 while the total Japanese import of frozen sockeye salmon in January-May 2010 amounted to less than 120 tonnes, a decrease of 93%. Average import price during the period increased by more than 70% amounting to about Y780.00 per kilo while in May the price reached the level of Y670.00 per kilo (approximately USD7.20 per kilo).

Besides, 70 tonnes of frozen coho salmon were imported in May 2010 and these were the first supplies of coho salmon since January 2010. Average import price amounted to about Y350.00 per kilo (about USD3.75 per kilo) against less than Y280.00 per kilo in the previous year (less than 5 tonnes imported during the period). Besides, about 5 tonnes of other salmon species were imported during the period under analysis at an average price of Y330.00 per kilo (about USD3.55 per kilo).


In May 2010 the supplies of Russian herring to Japan resumed with almost 970 tonnes imported, an increase of 530% in comparison with the same period 2009 while total import of Russian herring (mainly from the Sea of Okhotsk) since 1 January 2010 increased by 29% amounting by the end of May 2010 to 4000 tonnes, the price staying practically on the same level. Average import price during the period decreased by 6.5% in comparison with the previous year figures amounting to about Y85.00 per kilo that was practically corresponding to the strengthening of the Yen rate against the US dollar, while in May 2010 the average import price amounted to Y82.00 per kilo (ca. USD0.88 per kilo) in comparison with Y80.00 per kilo in May 2009.

Activeness of the Japanese import of Russian herring fillet (it is supposed mainly of Chinese production) started renewing in May 2010 increasing the volume of the import by 29% or by almost 1000 tonne and amounting to about 430 tonnes surpassing the previous year results by 35%. Despite this, due to weak supplies in the previous months of 2010 the total import from January to May 2010 amounted to only 1,700 tonnes, down by 31% from the previous year level. Average import price in May 2010 amounted to Y350.00 per kilo (USD 3.75 per kilo), 9% down from the April level, 7% down from the same period last year. During the period under analysis the price decrease amounted to almost 13% while the average import price amounted to only Y360.00 per kilo.

There was no import of Russian frozen or salted herring roe reported in May 2010 while during the period under analysis the import of the category amounted to less than 10 tonnes (salted roe only), down 53% from the previous year level. Average import price amounted to only Y610.00 per kilo, down by 30% in comparison with the previous year level.


In May 2010 quitted supplies of frozen Alaska pollock of the Russian origin to Japan (the same situation was observed in May 2009) while the total supplies from 1, January 2010 amounted to 240 tonnes, an increase of 13% from the previous year level. Average import price decreased by 3% only, amounting to Y155.00 per kilo.

In May 2010 only 72 tonnes of cod of the Russian origin were imported to Japan, a decrease of 63% in comparison with April 2010. At the same time, import volume increased by 38% in comparison with May 2009 while the total import in the period since 1 January 2010 surpassed the results of the year 2009 by 147.5% amounting to 1000 tonne. This was contributed obviously by the worsened situation of purchases of Alaska cod which import declined by more than 1000 tonne and amounted to 5,200 tonnes. Average import price of Russian cod increased by 13% in May 2010 and amounted to almost Y260.00 per kilo (about USD2.80 per kilo), an increase of 7.5% in comparison with the previous year figures but a decrease of 5% to about Y245.00 per kilo during the period.

Official import of Russian cod to China in May 2010 stayed at April level again amounting to a bit more than 4,300 tonnes but surpassing the results of the previous year level by 15%.

However, total import volume since January to May 2010 amounted to only 15,630 tonnes, 37% down in comparison with the previous year level, which itself was also was very low. Average import price in May 2010 increased slightly from the April level but stayed at USD2.65 per kilo level, a growth by 30% from the previous year level and by 23% to USD2.50 per kilo during the period under analysis.


Japanese import volume of frozen ocean perch of Russian origin (the share of Russian Far East producers however was quite small) increased by 35% in comparison with April 2010 amounting to almost 300 tonnes, however, up almost 140% from the previous year level. Since the beginning of the year 2010 the import volume increased by 105% to 1,500 tonnes while the average import price during the same period fell by 12% to less than Y340.00 per kilo reaching in May 2010 a bit more than Y325.00 per kilo (USD3.50 per kilo) level, falling by 8% in a month period and by 26% in comparison with the year 2009.

Japanese import of frozen Atka mackerel of Russian production increased in May 2010 by 8% to almost 2,800 tonnes, up 111% in comparison with the year 2009. Since January 2010 the import of the item increased by almost 15% to 10,900 tonnes by the end of May 2010. Average import price in May did not practically change amounting to about Y235.00 per kilo (about USD2.50 per kilo) in May 2010 increasing by 7% from the same period last year and by 12% during January - May 2010 amounting again to ca. Y235.00 per kilo.

Importation of frozen halibut from Russia to Japan fell by 20% in comparison with April 2010 to 470 tonnes but rose by 410% in comparison with the previous year level. During the first five months of the year the import volume increased by 112% reaching 2000 tonnes by the end of May 2010 while the average import price decreased by 9% to almost Y535.00 per kilo in comparison with the previous year level, although in May 2010 the import price was noticeably higher amounting to ca. Y575.00 per kilo (USD6.20 per kilo), down 13.5% from the previous year level.

Import volume of frozen plaice to Japan amounted to less than 60 tonnes dropping in a month period almost seven times increasing at the same time by 33% in comparison with the previous year level. However, this did not influence much the total result of import in the first five months 2010 of 570 tonnes, down 31% from the previous year level. The price level decreased by 10% and the average import price fell to Y200.00 per kilo level and Y155.00 per kilo (USD1.67 per kilo) in May 2010, a decrease 27% from April 2010 level and 17% from May 2009 level.

Supplies of fresh flounder from Russia to Japan were more active in comparison with last year results though the import volume was still quite limited. In May 2010 a bit more than 30 tonnes of flounder were imported that was almost three times more in comparison with April figures and almost five times more in comparison with May 2009 figures.

Since 1 January 2010 the import volume increased almost four times amounting to almost 60 tonnes. Average import price increased by one third to exceed the level of Y350.00 per kilo though decreasing in May 2010 by 23% to only Y260.00 per kilo (USD2.80 per kilo).

Import volume of frozen halibut to China amounted to 190 tonnes in May 2010, 32% down from the same period of the previous year level. Notably, for the first time of the year about 80 tonnes white halibut was supplied to China. Since January 2010 the import volume of halibut decreased by 12% to less than 900 tonnes. The average import price of white halibut amounted to almost USD6.55 per kilo against just USD1.05 per kilo in 2009, while the average import price of black halibut rose by 32% from the previous year level amounting to about USD2.40 per kilo although in May the price was even lower and amounted to USD1.00 per kilo against more than USD2.1 a year ago. Import of Black halibut amounted to almost 800 tonnes decreasing by 4%.

Import of frozen flounder from Russia to China in May 2010 amounted to 1400 tonnes, an increase of 615% from May 2009 level. Total import since January 2010 amounted to almost 4,800 tonnes, an increase of 485% from the same period last year. Average import price during the period of January - May 2010 amounted to ca.USD1.40 per kilo, 17% up and reaching USD1.37 in May 2010, practically 30% up from the previous year level.


The supplies of live crabs from Russia to Japan stayed at April 2010 level. Total import volume amounted to about 1,600 tonnes although import of hairy crab decreased more than twice since April 2010 amounting to 100 tonnes like in May 2009, while the import of red king crab grew by 10% in May amounting to 100 tonnes, the import of live snow crabs increased by 12% to about 1,400 tonnes. Supplies of red king and snow crabs were much lower in comparison with the previous year level, the import of red king crab in decreased by 84% May 2010 while supplies of live snow crabs dropped by 51%.

Totally, since the beginning of the year the import of live red king crab decreased by 79% to less than 470 tonnes, the import of live snow crab fell by 50% to less than 3700 tonnes while the import of live hairy crab rose by 65% to 580 tonnes. Total import volume amounted to 4730 tonnes, a drop of 52%.

Average import price of red king crab since January 2010 amounted to Y800.00 per kilo, an increase of 60% in comparison with the previous year. In May 2010 the average import price amounted to Y950.00 per kilo (approx. USD10.20 per kilo), an increase of at least 140% in comparison with same period last year.

The average import price of live snow crab in the period under analysis increased by 35% to ca.Y455 per kilo though in May it amounted only Y390.00 per kilo or about USD4.20 per kilo, an increase of 30% if compared with the last year figures. As for the import price of hairy crab, since January 2010 it rose only by 1.5% to Y725.00 per kilo, while in May 2010 it reached the level of Y600.00 per kilo or USD6.45 per kilo, an increase since last year of just 12%.

Total import volume of Russian frozen crab to Japan in May 2010 amounted to about 540 tonnes, 16.5% up from April 2010 but 50% down from May 2009. From January till May 2010 Japanese import of frozen crab from Russia decreased by 26% to about 3700 tonnes in comparison with the same period of the previous year.

Average import price of frozen red king crab in January - May 2010 rose by 4% to Y1500.00 per kilo, although it was at the same level in May at a Y1530 per kilo (about USD16.50 per kilo).

Average import price of snow crab in January - May 2010 decreased by 12% to ca.Y780.00 per kilo while in May 2010 the price surpassed the previous year figure by 11% and reached the level of ca.Y950.00 (USD10.20) per kilo.

Import volume of frozen crab meat of Russian origin increased almost 17 times and amounted to about 50 tonnes, while the average import price amounted to Y970.00 per kilo although in May 2010 when the bulk of the supplies occurred the import price amounted to Y820.00 per kilo (USD8.80 per kilo).

Import of frozen crabs to China represented mainly by snow crab in May 2010 again amounted to about 120 tonnes, reducing almost 3 times in comparison with the year 2009. Thus, in April, May 2010 the officially reported import volume amounted to about 250 tonnes of crabs, 20% less than in March 2010.

Total volume of Chinese import of frozen raw material from Russia for crab meat production in January - May 2010 amounted to only 1,100 tonnes, down almost 60% from January - May 2010.

Volume of Russian crab officially imported to South Korea exceeded the level of Chinese import including the supplies of live and frozen crab. In January -May 2010 2,300 tonnes of live crab (in the category of live, fresh and chilled products) were imported, a drop of 57% in comparison with the same level of the previous year, while the import of frozen crab fell by 24% to less than 1,200 tonnes. Import of frozen king crabs (blue, red king, golden king) increased by 20% to about 300 tonnes, total decrease is attributed to reduction of import of the frozen snow crab by 32% to less than 900 tonnes. Import of live king crab fell by 54% to less than 800 tonnes in comparison with the year 2009, while the import of live snow crab dropped by 59% to about 1,500 tonnes.

Total import volume of frozen crab of the Russian origin to the USA in May 2010 amounted to 650 tonnes, a decrease of 35% in comparison with the previous year level while the supplies of king crabs decreased by 62% to 330 tonnes accompanied by the increase of frozen snow crab supplies by almost 150% to 330 tonnes. In January - May 2010 import of frozen king crab decreased by almost 1000 tonne or by 16% not reaching the level 5,300 tonnes (including the products from the Barents Sea) while the supplies of frozen snow crab increased by 4% to about 1,350 tonnes.

The price tendency was not so favorable as in the previous year. Average import price of the frozen king crab fell by 4% in January - May 2010 to a bit more than 16.75 per kilo (FAS, or ex-board), while in May 2010 the average price dropped to less than USD16.45 per kilo, or by 5% in comparison with the previous year. Average import price of frozen snow crab fell by 15% in May 2010 to USD5.00 per kilo, while the average price in January -May 2010 lowered by 6% to USD5.30 per kilo.


Japanese import of frozen shrimp from Russia fell drastically in May 2010 and amounted to 570 tonnes of shrimps, that was 47% less than in April 2010 and 42% less than in May 2009. In January - May 2010 Japanese import of Russian products dropped by 11% amounting to less than 3,500 tonnes. Average import price rose by more than 18% in a month period to reach the level of Y1100.00 per kilo (USD11.85 per kilo), 2% down in comparison with the year 2009 while since the beginning of the year the price decreased by 14.5% in comparison with the previous year to amount to about Y980.00 per kilo.


Chinese Customs did not report any supplies of Russian products in May 2010 and the total import of squid to China by the end of May 2010 stayed at the level of 10 tonnes, a decrease of 98% from the previous year level. Average import price amounted to USD1.35 per kilo increasing almost twice in comparison with the previous year. The same was also the average import price of frozen squid from all sources, the total export of squid by the end of May 2010 amounted to 95,000 tonnes.

Sea urchin

In May 2010 supplies of live sea urchin to Japan lowered and the official import amounted only to ca.790 tonnes, 29% down from April 2010 and 31% down in comparison with May 2009. Since January till May 2010 total import of sea urchin fell by 9% to 4,500 tonnes. Average import price in May stayed at April level to amount to about Y540.00 per kilo (USD5.80 per kilo), an increase of 16% from the previous year level and 14% to Y590.00 during the period of January - May 2010.


Import of Russian surimi to South Korea was not reported in May 2010 while importation of Russian surimi to Japan was more active though not so active as in the previous months. Import of APO surimi to Japan in May amounted to a bit more than 35 tonnes, a decrease of 88% from April 2010 but an increase of 56% from May 2009, while the total import of surimi to Japan in January - May 2010 rose by 370% to 555 tonnes.

Average import price decreased by 49% to Y235.00 per kilo to grow to Y250.00 in April and May 2010 (USD 2.70 per kilo). Total import value grew by almost 140% reaching practically Y130 million (coming closer to USD1.5 million). Apparently, relatively low inventories in Japan accompanied with low prices of Russian surimi (less 25-30% than US-produced surimi) will contribute to further interest of the Japanese buyers to Russian products.

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