Overview of Moscow's freshfrozen fish market in the second week of December 2008

December 12, 2008 16:43

In the second week of December 2008 trade in freshfrozen seafood in Moscow has been calm without any rise of activity normally observed before the New Year holidays as many processors have built up the necessary stock of raw fish for stable operations through to January 2009, analysts of www.fishnet-russia.com (www.fishnet.ru) concluded after analyzing the current situation on the market.

As compared to the first week of December 2008 in the second week of December 2008 there has been a slight decrease of prices for salmon roe and other valuable fish roe.

Wholesale prices of pollock and some other cod species have kept gradually growing with the current fishery subsiding and the next season to start only in 2009. Besides, some suppliers have reduced their prices for Baltic herring and mackerel. The rise of prices for magister squid has come to a halt which is also a sign of the market's slackness.

As for the market of pangasius catfish, despite notification of Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor about a ban on seafood importation from Vietnam, prices for pink-color pangasius fillets have remained unchanged.

After an increase in late November 2008 in the second week of December 2008 prices have remained stable.

Sources in Murmansk report about larger inventories of export quality cod and haddock. According to experts, that is connected with a dramatic fall of prices for the Russian products on the traditional European market, due to which fact the sales have virtually stopped. As in Russia the demand for these rather expensive products is comparatively weak, the suppliers have been difficulties in moving the surplus.

Against the background of the continuing crisis several companies have reportedly vanished as they have failed to get new bank loans. The crisis has resulted into withdrawal of weak market players who have no working capital to keep the business afloat. In the forum sector of https://www.fishnet.ru/ the whole staff of OOO Arktika (ltd), a branch of ZAO RK Atlant Pacific, has advertised to work for another owner as the branch has been closed due to the financial crisis.

In the meantime, the market participants say that in general the trade has been calm. Many suppliers have noticed that their customers have started to purchase more often, but in smaller lots. This policy is supposed to insure against possible losses in case of sales failure.

In their deals with retailers and small wholesalers large wholesalers have switched to payments in cash. Experts say that lack of confidence in the bank system sometimes leads to reversion to payments in cash and even in "black" cash. As for delayed payment, some companies do agree to give their customers 2-3 days of credit, however if the customer asks for a longer period, the wholesalers will in their turn ask for payment in rubles to be based on Euro exchange rate.

Pink salmon

In the second week of December 2008 the situation on Moscow's pink salmon market has remained stable. Traders report smaller supply of pink salmon of good quality. Some insiders think that despite the crisis prices for pink salmon will not fall in the beginning of the year 2009.

In Moscow 1st graded w/r pink salmon silverside has been offered from RUB68.00 per kilo for the lots from 10 tonnes, 1st graded head-on gutted pink salmon has been traded from RUB68.00 per kilo on the same terms.

Prices of 1st grade pink salmon headed and gutted amount to RUB87.00-90.00 per kilo for the lots from 10 tonnes ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Pink salmon fillets skin-on IQF 300 grams have been available at RUB95.00-112.00 per kilo.

American headed pink salmon 1+ in transit to coldstore has been offered from RUB95.00 tonnes in Saint Petersburg.

Chum salmon

According to the market participants, in the second week of December 2008 trade in chum salmon has been stable. Prices for 1st grade head-on and gutted chum salmon harvested in Kamchatka have amounted to ca.RUB84.00-86.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Headed and gutted chum salmon of fairly good quality and from the Okhotsk and Kamchatka harvest has been offered from RUB84.00-86.00 per kilo in Moscow.

Headed chum salmon with spawning changes has been marketed from RUB60.00 to RUB75.00 per kilo.

IQF chum salmon fillets (with <5% glazing) made in Kamchatka has been traded ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB105.00 per kilo.

Experts say that chum salmon will be gradually compensating for the lack of pink salmon.

Salmon roe

As per the second week of December 2008 prices of salmon roe have remained stable/decreasing. The inventories of salmon roe in bulk have been not large, many suppliers hope to continue sales in 2009, because, as the experts say, the premium segment has been showing stable consumption. Though most of the wholesalers have not changed their prices, some traders have slightly decreased their charges.

In the second week of December 2008 large suppliers have been selling salted caviar in cubotainers from RUB1250 to 1350 per kilo in Moscow.

The average level of prices for 140-gram can amounts to ca.RUB180.00. Price-lists of many wholesalers display large fluctuations of product prices depending on producer and used raw. More specifically, canned salmon caviar in 140-gram cans has been offered from RUB160.00 to RUB240.00 per unit. Large processors have been offering the product from ca.RUB175.00 per can. Salmon caviar in 100-gram glass jar has been traded from RUB150.00 per can.

Sockeye roe has been offered from RUB1200 per kilo.

Chum salmon caviar has been offered at ca.RUB1300.00 per kilo.

Traders have been also offering Chinook caviar from RUB1350.00 per kilo.

Caviar of coho salmon harvested in Kamchatka has been marketed at ca.RUB1250.00 per kilo.

Along with the above, the traders have been also offering frozen trout roe 1st grade from RUB1350-1500.00 per kilo ex-farm.

Fresh roes of sockeye, coho and pink salmon in skeins have been offered at RUB600.00-650.00 per kilo.

Atlantic salmon

In the second week of December 2008 many large Moscow importers have continued decreasing their prices both for frozen Atlantic salmon originating from Norway and the same product made in Chile.

In Moscow Atlantic salmon 5-6 Superior made in Norway has been on sale from RUB200.00 per kilo, while the sizes 6-7, 7-8, 8-9 and 9+ have been correspondingly offered from RUB205.00-215.00, RUB210.00-RUB217.00, RUB218.00-219.00 and RUB218.00-219.00 per kilo. Traders have reported absence of smaller sizes 1-2 and 3-4 in the price-lists of several companies.

Chilean salmon 1-2 premium has been marketed from RUB130.00 per kilo, while the sizes 2-3, 5-6 and 6-7 have been traded from RUB160.00, RUB198.00 and RUB203.00 per kilo respectively.

Traders have been also offering headed Australian salmon 2.5 at ca.RUB64.50 per kilo.

Chilled Atlantic salmon 5-6, 6-7 has been offered on request by many traded already from RUB185.00 per kilo.


In the second week of December 2008, Moscow's market of frozen trout has been showing mixed price trends. While prices for trout from Norway and Chile have gone slightly up, trout from Denmark and Karelia have depreciated.

Prices of Chilean trout Superior have been reported at RUB178.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7 and from RUB188.00 per kilo of trout 2.7-4.0.

Chilean trout Premium have been marketed from RUB172.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB174.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7 and RUB185.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-4.0.

Norwegian trout Superior has been available from RUB176.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB187.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-4.0, RUB200.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5, and at ca.RUB203.00 per kilo of the size 4.5+.

Danish trout 1.8-2.7 and 2.7-3.6 has been sold from RUB150.00 and RUB152.00 per kilo correspondingly.

In Moscow large wholesaler has been offering chilled H&G trout farmed in Karelia at RUB168.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8.

Karelian trout has been offered ex-farm at RUB135.00 per kilo of the size 1.5-, RUB140.00 per kilo of the size 1.5-2.0, RUB150.00 per kilo of the size 2.0-3.0 and at RUB160.00 per kilo of the size 3.0+.

At the same time there have also been offers of farmed trout 2+ from RUB130.00 per kilo.

Chilled trout farmed in Karelia has been marketed ex-farm from RUB130.00 to RUB140.00 per kilo.

Chilled products from Norway have been sold by a large supplier on order from RUB155.00 per kilo of the size 3-4, head-on and gutted.


As per mid-December 2008 the market participants have been reporting stable prices for w/r herring and a certain decrease of prices for herring fillets in transit to ports. Fillet prices ex-coldstore in Moscow have remained unchanged.

Norwegian herring has been offered in Moscow from RUB32.00 per kilo of the size 300+, RUB34.00 per kilo of the size 350+, and from RUB48.00 per kilo of the size 400+.

Norwegian herring flaps 5-8 have been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB50.00 per kilo, while the count 6-10 has been on offer from RUB47.00-50.00 per kilo.

Besides, traders have also been marketing Icelandic herring fillets 6-10 harvested in September-October 2008 in transit to coldstore in Murmansk at a price falling from RUB50.00 to RUB48.00 per kilo.

In the second week of December 2008 prices for the Russian herring have remained stable. More specifically, Russian herring 200-300 has been offered ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB22.00 per kilo, while the sizes 250+ and 300+ are available from RUB23.00 and RUB30.00 per kilo correspondingly.

Poorly graded herring classified as large and fat has been marketed from RUB23.00 per kilo.

Herring flaps 6-10 made by the Russian producer FOR have been offered ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB46.50 per kilo.

Prices of Okhotsk herring of the standard size 25+ have remained at RUB17.00-18.00 per kilo. Traders have begun offering Pacific herring fillets with the base price of RUB38.00 per kilo in the Russian Far East. There has been a trend of oversupplying Asian market with Okhotsk herring which will lead to decreased prices for the raw fish.


In the second week of December 2008, the situation on the mackerel market has remained stable. In the first week of December 2008 there was a decrease of the minimum price for the Norwegian mackerel. The market participants in Murmansk speak about a general decline of mackerel prices, though in Moscow no price fall has been observed so far.

More specifically, Norwegian w/r mackerel has been offered by many market participants in Saint Petersburg at following prices: RUB62.00 per kilo of the size 300-500, RUB82.00 per kilo of the size 400-600, and from RUB100.00 per kilo of the size 500+. In Moscow the sizes 300-500 and 400-600 have been offered correspondingly from RUB64.00 and RUB86.00 per kilo.

Icelandic mackerel 300+ has been offered ex-coldstore from RUB60.00 per kilo in Saint Petersburg and from RUB62.00 per kilo in Moscow.

Canadian mackerel 600+ has been available in St. Petersburg at RUB110.00 per kilo.

Scottish mackerel 300-500 has been available in St. Petersburg from RUB64.00 per kilo ex-coldstore. The sizes 400-600 and 600+ have been offered from RUB85.00 and RUB125.00 per kilo correspondingly. The latter size has been available in Moscow from RUB127.00 per kilo.

Japanese mackerel has been marketed ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg at RUB70.00 per kilo of the size 400-600, RUB75.00 per kilo of the size 500-700 and at RUB80.00 per kilo of the size 600+.

The price of headed Russian mackerel 200-300 made by FOR has amounted to RUB68.00 per kilo in Moscow.

Baltic herring, Baltic sprat

As per the second week of December 2008, the market of Baltic sprat has been showing a certain drop of prices. Prices of Baltic herring can be described as stable or growing.

More specifically, Estonian sprat 10-12 cm in transit to coldstore has been sold at RUB21.50 per kilo in Saint Petersburg. The same product has been offered at about RUB25.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Swedish sprat 10-12 cm has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB24.00 per kilo and from RUB23.00 per kilo for lots larger than 20 tonnes. The same product in transit to coldstore has been marketed at RUB22.00 in St. Petersburg. The prices have remained stable.

Finnish sprat 8-10 has been marketed in Moscow region at RUB25.00 per kilo ex-coldstore.

Finnish herring 11-15 have been sold in Saint Petersburg from RUB19.50 per kilo. Subject to prepayment the count 15-17 has been offered at RUB23.00 per kilo, while the count 17+ has been available at RUB25.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Swedish herring 14-18 has been offered at RUB25.00 per kilo in Moscow, the size 18+ has been available at RUB31.00 per kilo ex-coldstore.


In the second week of December 2008 the situation on the capelin market has been showing a certain decline of prices. Traders have noticed a shortage of supply of imported capelin. There have been single offers of Canadian capelin 30/40 at about RUB56.00 per kilo.

Thanks to the continuing Russian fishery of capelin the market supply has been growing, while the prices have been declining. The industry sources speculate that as per mid-December 2008 catches are dominated by small capelin. Large sizes have been in short supply so far.

As per the second week of December 2008 small capelin 60-70 from the new harvest has appeared in price-lists from RUB31.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Murmansk. Capelin of the count 70+ has been offered at RUB33.00 in Moscow and from RUB32.00 per kilo in Saint Petersburg.

Blue whiting

In the second week of November 2008 the situation on the blue whiting market has been stable or improving.

In Murmansk blue whiting 20+ has been appreciating to RUB25.00-25.50 per kilo. In Saint Petersburg product prices have remained from RUB26.00 per kilo, while in Moscow the average prices have been reported at ca.RUB30.00 per kilo. In Saint Petersburg traders have kept offering blue whiting at RUB26.00 per kilo, while in Moscow the average price has remained at ca.RUB30.00 per kilo. Thus, the price rise which has taken off in Murmansk has not yet arrived in the central part of Russia.

The blue whiting backs produced by Murmansk Trawl Fleet have been offered at RUB42.00-48.00 per kilo ex-coldstore.

Blue whiting fillets have been offered ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB40.00 per kilo.

Large importers have shown a limited supply. One company has been asking Scottish blue whiting 22+ from the April harvest from RUB26.50 per kilo ex regional coldstore.

Norwegian blue whiting harvested in April-May (with extended veterinary certificate) has been offered in Saint Petersburg at RUB24.50 per kilo ex-coldstore.

Traders have also offered blue whiting fillet cubes originating from China at a price of RUB68.00 per kilo.

Russian pollock

As per the second of December 2008, pollock has been traded in Moscow from RUB52.00 per kilo of the size 25+, from RUB55.00 per kilo of the size 30+, and at RUB55.00-57.00 per kilo of the size 35+.

Russian pollock fillets 30+ and 35+ have been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow region from RUB81.00 per kilo skin-on and from RUB85.00 per kilo skin-off.

As for double frozen products originating from China, the lowest price of pollock fillets 6-8 have stayed at ca.RUB67.00 per kilo, while the size 8+ has been available at RUB68.00 per kilo at the minimum.

Subject to prepayment the products are marketed from RUB65.00 per kilo in transit to port of Saint Petersburg.

According to a spokesman of a large company based in the Russian Far East, prices for pollock harvested in December 2008 and from the first harvest of 2009 will not decrease remaining at RUB42.00-43.00 per kilo at ports of the Russian Far East. The need of the domestic market in the product is too high and so are the expectations regarding pollock export in the beginning of the year. Despite compulsory calls at ports for customs clearance of pollock catch from the EEZ as of 1 January 2009 many fishing companies have loans from foreign partners and commitments to ship product in return.


In the second week of December 2008, prices for HGT hake originating from the USA and Canada have kept falling. There has been certain appreciation of the Chinese fillets from the recent production.

The minimum price of HGT hake IQF 300-500 from Canada has remained practically at the same level of ca.RUB82.00 per kilo in Moscow, while the size 500+ has been offered at about RUB85.00 per kilo.

The prices have been declining for products in transit to Saint Petersburg. Importers have been offering HGT hake 300-500 at RUB78.00 per kilo subject to prepayment.

In the meantime, prices for the US-made products have remained comparably stable. The minimum price of HGT hake 300-500 from the USA in Moscow has remained comparably stable at RUB90.00 per kilo on the average, the same product has been also offered at RUB79.00 per kilo in transit to Saint Petersburg.

Hake from Ecuador has been available in the capital from RUB72.00 per kilo of the size 80-100, from RUB80.00 per kilo of the size 100-200, from RUB81.00 per kilo of the size 200-400, from RUB86.00-89.00 per kilo of the size 400-600, at ca.RUB90.00 per kilo of the size 600-1000, and from RUB94.00 per kilo of the size 1000+.

Argentinean hake fillets skinned and interleaved have been marketed in Moscow from RUB118.00 per kilo of the size 100-200, while the size 200-400 has been sold at RUB125.00. However, the supply of the products has remained low.

As per mid-December 2008, the Chinese hake fillets skin-on have been sold in Russia at prices from RUB83.00 per kilo of the size 6-8 ounces and from RUB84.00 to RUB87.00 per kilo of the size 8+. Prices for the same products in transit to Saint Petersburg have been higher from RUB87.00-89.00 per kilo.


After a certain rise of prices for magister squid, in the second week of December 2008 the situation on the market has got stabilized. The rise of wholesale prices for Russian squid tubes has suspended, and the price for imported ilex squid has started falling.

As per the second week of December 2008, the price for the magister squid tubes of the new harvest has been reported at RUB56.00-59.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in the Russian Far East. In Moscow squid tubes have been available at prices stable at RUB63.00-65.00 per kilo subject to pre-payment.

Traders have been also offering tentacles of magister squid at RUB38.00-42.00 per kilo and fins at RUB40.00 per kilo.

At the same time, prices for imported squid have remained stable or have been declining.

Non-cleaned illex tubes originating from Argentina have been offered from RUB43.00 per kilo, while interleaved cleaned tubes of various sizes have been sold at RUB75.00 per kilo.

Cleaned squid tubes originating from China have been offered from RUB65.00 to RUB75.00 per kilo depending on the size. Squid fillets 100-200 have been offered at RUB75.00 per kilo.

New Zealand squid tubes 200-300 have been sold at RUB50.00-55.00 per kilo.

Peruvian giant squid fillets have been marketed from RUB37.00 per kilo.

Chilean giant squid fillets 2-4 have been offered from RUB40.00 per kilo.


In the second week of December 2008 the market of pangasius catfish has been calm. After a rise of prices for pink fillets in late November 2008, in mid-December 2008 the prices have remained fairly stable. In the beginning of the closing month of the year Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor has announced introduction of temporary restrictions for seafood importation from all the processing plants of Vietnam as of 20 December 2008. Though in the middle of the month the importers are aware of the ban, this has not yet told on prices of the Vietnamese products.

Prices for pangasius fillets in the second week of December 2008 have remained at RUB58.00 per kilo on the average. The minimum price of pink-coloured pangasius fillets 200+ in Moscow has reached RUB56.00 per kilo. The average price from most of the importers amounts to ca.RUB58.00-61.00 per kilo.

White-coloured fillets 200+ IQF have been on sale in Saint Petersburg from RUB75.00 to RUB99.00 per kilo.

Average prices in Moscow, dateline 8 December 2008



Country of origin

Price in RUB per kilo



Pink salmon head-on gutted





Pink salmon w/r





Chum salmon head-on gutted



































Baltic sprat





Baltic herring










Pangasius fillets





Blue whiting





Headed Alaska pollock









Salmon roe salted





Hake HGT





Squid tubes





Atlantic salmon 3-4 superior





Atlantic salmon 1-2 superior





Trout 2.7-4.0





Trout 1.8-2.7





Seller prices in Moscow as per 8 December 2008, RUB per kilo



TPT Defa

OOO Ultrafish

Lobnensky Khladokombinat

OOO Unitrade

OOO Brig-Star

OOO Morskoi Meridian "

OOO Tikhrybkom

ZAO Gulfstream

Pink salmon head-on gutted










Pink salmon w/r










Chum salmon head-on gutted




















































































Baltic sprat










Baltic herring





























Pangasius fillets










Blue whiting










Headed Alaska pollock




























Salmon roe salted










Hake HGT










Squid tube










Atlantic salmon 3-4 Super










Atlantic salmon 1-2 Super










Trout 0.9-1.8










Trout 1.8-2.7










Trout 2.7-4.0










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