Overview of Moscow's freshfrozen fish market as per the second week of March 2009

March 12, 2009 16:28

As per the second week of February 2009 trade in freshfrozen seafood in Moscow has seen a number of events important for the market players, though the activity remained not very high, analysts of www.fishnet-russia.com (www.fishnet.ru) concluded after analyzing the current situation on the market.

Closure of spring-spawning herring fishery in Norway and stepping up of the capelin fishery in the Barents Sea have been one of the main market events in the second week of March 2009. Besides, according to the reports, pollock quotas in winter-spring period will not be covered. Experts say that while in the same period of 2008 take-up of commercial pollock quotas amounted to 49.4%, this year, despite the harvest rise by 59,000 tonnes, the quotas have so far been covered at 45.3%. A spokesman of a large fleet explains that the fishermen have been deliberately holding back some of the quota for autumn fishery in order to prevent the pollock roe market from collapsing.

Along with the above developments, in the second week of March 2009 the wachna cod fishery has been subsiding in Sakhalin. The industry insiders think that the quota will hardly be completely exhausted. As per mid-March 2009, the fleets have harvested ca.4600 tonnes of wachna cod or slightly less than 50%.

In the beginning of the second week of March 2009 reports have come that the Government's draft order on mandatory sale of seafood meant for export via dedicated exchange houses has been sent for revision. The decision has come as a result of a number of appeals of the fishery industrials based in the Russian Far East who have been insisting that the draft is incompliant with the current legislation, limits the fishermen's economic activity and creates unequal conditions for producers on the overseas market. In order to saturate the domestic market the fishermen have offered their own variant of the order stipulating establishment of fish markets for state purchases of aquatic biological resources.

According to the market players, as the food prices have been actively rising, consumers try to save as much as possible by means of preferring cheaper food. In particular, experts have noticed a switch from consumption of meat and expensive fish to consumption of poultry and cheaper fish products.

Evidently, the consumer's switch to cheaper fish has made wholesalers revise their range and increasingly abandon the more expensive products such as Atlantic salmon, trout, shrimp, etc. There is a noticeable decrease of the product supply in terms of variety.

As per the second week of March 2009, the freshfrozen fish market of Moscow has been displaying mixed trends. More specifically, prices for Ecuadorian hake have kept falling due to the low demand and stagnating sales. There has also been a decrease of prices for Baltic herring and at a smaller extent for Baltic sprat.

A spokesman of a Russian Far Eastern company has noted a slight decrease of pollock prices ex-vessel in Vladivostok, however this is obviously due to converging large landings from transport vessels concurrently calling at the port.

Speaking in general, many traders have noticed low activity on the market, which has been partly caused by the national holidays (Women's Day).

Pink salmon

As per the second week of March 2009 the situation on Moscow's market of pink salmon has been stable. With prices being fairly high the demand remains limited.

In Moscow w/r pink salmon has been offered at RUB95.00-97.00 per kilo, head-on gutted pink salmon has been traded from RUB95.00 to RUB100.00 per kilo. Prices of pink salmon headed and gutted purchased for inventory have reached RUB110.00 per kilo for the lots from 2-10 tonnes ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Russian pink salmon fillets skin-on IQF 300 grams have been available at RUB115.00-130.00 per kilo.

American interleaved pink salmon fillets 400+ has been offered from RUB110.00 tonnes ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg. Fillet prices remained unchanged.

Chum salmon

As per the second week of March 2009 the situation on the chum salmon market has remained unchanged. Headed chum salmon of good quality has been priced above RUB100.00 per kilo. Head-on gutted chum salmon of the first grade harvested in Kamchatka has been traded from RUB85.00 to RUB95.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow. Chum salmon head-on gutted of second grade has been offered at ca.RUB70.00-72.00 per kilo. The maximum price of headed chum salmon has grown to RUB105.00 per kilo. The average price has been reported at ca. RUB95.00 per kilo.

Chum salmon fillets IQF with less than 5% glazing made in Kamchatka has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB115.00-130.00 per kilo.

Coho salmon has appreciated to RUB110.00-115.00 per kilo and it has a stable demand with processors and chain stores.

Salmon roe

In the second week of March 2009 prices of salted salmon roe have displayed stability. Prices for salmon roe of high quality have remained at the same level, while roe of low quality still meant for canning has been marketed at RUB800.00-900.00 per kilo at the minimum.

The current prices for high quality roe have been reported at RUB1100.00-1300.00 per kilo. Pink salmon roe of lower quality has reached the price level of RUB800.00 per kilo, while chum salmon roe of the same quality has been marketed at RUB900.00 per kilo.

Sockeye roe has been available from RUB1100.00 per kilo.

Chum salmon roe has been traded at ca.RUB1100.00 per kilo.

Roe of coho salmon harvested in Kamchatka has been sold at ca.RUB1200.00 per kilo.

Frozen trout roe 1st grade has been marketed at RUB1350.00-1500.00 per kilo ex-farm.

Sockeye and coho roe in skeins has been offered at RUB500.00-600.00 per kilo. Pink salmon roe in skeins has been marketed from RUB750.00 per kilo, VAT inclusive.

Atlantic salmon

As per the second week of March 2009 the news coming from Chile has been distressing. The redundancies in the salmon sector have touched 7455 people and the number is forecasted to double in April 2009. Besides, it is expected that by the year 2010 Atlantic salmon production will decrease by 70%.

In general, the market has been displaying a smaller supply of Atlantic salmon originating from all the producing countries.

In Moscow Atlantic salmon Superior made in Norway has been offered at following prices: from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB230.00 per kilo of the size 6-7, from RUB235.00-237.00 per kilo of the size 7-8, and from RUB239.00-240.00 per kilo of the sizes 8-9.

Chilled Atlantic salmon Premium has been marketed from RUB185.00 per kilo of the size 2-3, from RUB220.00 per kilo of the size 6-7 and from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 7-8. There are also offers of Atlantic salmon meat 80-150g at RUB160.00 per kilo.


In the second week of March 2009, trout market has also been showing a smaller supply, in particular from large importers. There have been single offers, but practically nobody has been able to offer a wide range of products.

Prices for Chilean trout Premium as compared to the first week of March 2009 have remained unchanged at RUB190.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB210.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-4.0, and from RUB240.00 per kilo 3.6-4.5.

Norwegian trout Superior has been marketed from RUB210.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB255.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-3.6, and RUB260.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5.

Karelian trout H&G frozen has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB165.00 to RUB175.00 per kilo. Chilled Karelian trout has been marketed ex-farm in Karelia from RUB150.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of March 2009 the spring-spawning herring fishery along the southwest coast of Norway has been practically finished with the supply coming to auction through the week amounting to ca.3500 tonnes. The bulk of the harvest has been sold for food consumption at the average price of NOK2.02 per kilo. The total harvest since the start of the year to 8 March 2009 is reported at 431,250 tonnes.

In Murmansk newly caught herring 200-300 has been available at RUB25.00-26.50 per kilo. Herring 300+ has been marketed at RUB35.00 per kilo. In Saint Petersburg the Russian herring 200-300 has been offered at RUB23.80-25.00 per kilo. In Moscow the size 200-300 has been offered at RUB28.00 per kilo, and the size 300+ has been offered at RUB36.00-37.00 per kilo.

Herring from Norway has been offered in Saint Petersburg from RUB25.50 per kilo of the size 200-300, from RUB32.00-33.00 per kilo of the size 300+, from RUB43.00-44.00 per kilo of the size 350+, from RUB51.50-52.00 per kilo of the size 400+. In Moscow Norwegian herring 300+ has been offered at RUB36.00 per kilo, while the sizes 350+ and 400+ have been offered at RUB47.00 and RUB62.00 per kilo correspondingly.

Norwegian herring flaps 4-8 have been marketed ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB62.00 per kilo, while the size 6-10 has been available in the capital from RUB56.00-59.00 per kilo.

Pacific herring 250+ has been offered at RUB27.00-29.00 per kilo. Large Pacific herring 300+ has showed a fairly good demand with prices settling at RUB35.00-36.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow. Prices have been comparably stable.


As per the second week of March 2009 large importers in Saint Petersburg have offered Norwegian herring at RUB57.00-58.00 per kilo of the size 200-300, RUB75.00-76.00 per kilo of the size 300-500, RUB97.00-98.00 per kilo of the size 400-600, and RUB142.00-150.00 per kilo of the size 600+.

Japanese mackerel 400-600 has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB78.00 per kilo. The price has been unchanged.

Canadian mackerel 400-600 in Moscow has been sold at RUB94.00-95.00 per kilo. The size 600+ has been available at RUB120.00 per kilo. The price has been stable.

Mackerel 300+ w/r made by Morskaya Zvezda Ltd has been sold ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg at RUB62.00 per kilo.

Baltic herring, Baltic sprat

As per the second week of March 2009 the situation on the Baltic sprat market has remained stable. Estonian sprat has slightly depreciated.

More specifically, Swedish sprat 10-12 cm has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB28.00 per.

Estonian sprat 10-12 cm has been sold at RUB25.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Traders have been also offering Latvian sprat 10-12 delivered to Pskov from RUB24.00 per kilo.

As per the second week of March 2009, prices for Baltic herring have decreased as compared to early March 2009.

Swedish herring 14-18 has been offered at RUB28.00 per kilo in Moscow, the size 18+ has been available at RUB30.00 per kilo ex-coldstore. Latvian herring 12-15 delivered to Pskov has been sold from RUB25.50 per kilo. Baltic herring 18+ of the Russian origin (Kaliningrad) has been offered at RUB20.00 per kilo.


According to the Norwegian sources, capelin which was landed to the auction during the second week of March 2009 was harvested both in the Russian waters and in the Norwegian waters. Nearly all the capelin (95% namely) has been sold for human consumption at the average price of NOK1.65 per kilo. A part of chilled food capelin has been purchased by Murmansk Fish Combine and sent to Murmansk Fish Port. The total capelin harvest of the Norwegian fleet in 2009 since the beginning of the fishing season is estimated at 115,600 tonnes.

As per the first week of March 2009, Russia's daily harvest of capelin has exceeded 100 tonnes per ship with the weather conditions being favourable for fishing operations. The total harvest of capelin through the week amounted to 9600 tonnes, 4200 tonnes up on the previous week.

Through the week no large decreases of capelin prices have been observed, the number of offers has been growing.

There have been offers of Norwegian capelin in Murmansk from RUB29.50 per kilo of the count 30-40, at RUB24.0-25.00 per kilo of the count 40-50. The price for the lots from 20 tonnes amounts to ca.RUB20.00-21.00 per kilo.

In Saint Petersburg prices for the count 30-40 amount to RUB30.00-31.50 per kilo, in Moscow Norwegian capelin of the same count has been offered at RUB34.00-36.00 per kilo. The count 40-50 has been offered in Saint Petersburg at RUB28.90 per kilo.

Blue whiting

According to the Norwegian sources, due to storms and prolonged herring season catches of blue whiting have been twice smaller than in the previous year 2008. The demand for fishmeal as compared to 2008 has decreased, therefore prices for industrial blue whiting for reduction into fishmeal have also decreased.

In order to solve the problems with blue whiting, Norges Sildesalgslag has allowed contracts for sale of blue whiting for human consumption bypassing the auction but subject to mandatory registration of contracts at the auction and with respect to minimum prices. The contracts are allowed to be made for the period of March-April 2009.

The demand for blue whiting on the Russian market remains strong, while against a certain shortage prices are showing stability, though there is a slight decrease of offer prices in Saint Petersburg.

In Murmansk blue whiting 20+ has been offered at RUB30.00-31.00 per kilo.

In Saint Petersburg blue whiting from the new harvest has been offered at RUB29.50-32.00 per kilo.

In Moscow blue whiting has been available at RUB35.00-36.00 per kilo.

Russian pollock

According to provisional data from the Russian Far East, the total harvest of pollock in the Sea of Okhotsk since the beginning of the season amounted to 366,000 tonnes, of which 138,400 tonnes were contributed by Vladivostok fishermen, 122,200 tonnes by Kamchatka fishermen, 57,300 tonnes by Sakhalin fishermen, 29,200 tonnes by Khabarovsk fishermen, 13,000 tonnes by Magadan fishermen and ca.7000 tonnes by Chukotka fleets. While in 2008 take-up of the commercial pollock quotas in the same period amounted to 49.4%, this year, even despite the harvest rise by 59,000 tonnes, the pollock quotas have been so far covered only at 45.3%.

Taking into account that March is a closing month for the first part of the "A" season, the recommended catches in the winter-spring season will hardly be covered with the pollock harvest in the area accounting for only 45% of the allowed volumes. More specifically, the lowest result of 38% has been recorded for Sakhalin fleets, while Kamchatka and Chukotka-based vessels have covered their limits at 53% and 60% correspondingly.

As per the second week of March 2009, H&G pollock has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB63.00-68.00 per kilo of the size 25+, RUB65.00-69.00 per kilo of the size 30+, while the size 35+ has been available at a price of RUB69.00-70.00 per kilo.

In ports of the Russian Far East prices for pollock in transit to port have slightly decreased. According to a spokesman of one large company based in the Russian Far East, ex-vessel prices start from RUB49.00 per kilo, VAT inclusive, RUB1.00 down on early March. This slight downwards fluctuation of the price can be attributed to large volume (more than 10,000 tonnes namely) of pollock landed simultaneously by several transport reefers coming from the Sea of Okhotsk.

Chinese skinned pollock fillets IQF ex-coldstore in Moscow have been offered at RUB76.00-82.00 per kilo of the size 6-8 and at RUB78.00-84.00 per kilo of the size 8+. The prices have grown approximately by RUB2.00 per kilo.

Traders have also been offering fillets IQF with 5-10% glaze made by Khomyakovsky Khladokombinat at RUB115.00 per kilo of the size 120-160g and 160-240g.


As per the second week of March 2009 prices for HGT hake originating from the USA and Canada have been stable or falling. Prices for Ecuadorian hake have continued declining further. First of all, it is connected with weak market demand, traders say.

HGT hake 300-600 IQF from Canada has been offered at RUB86.00-89.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg, while the size 500+ has been available at RUB84.00 per kilo. Prices for HGT hake 300-500 originating from the USA have been reported at RUB86.00 per kilo in Saint Petersburg.

In Moscow Canadian hake 300-600 has been sold at about RUB92.00 per kilo.

Hake from Ecuador has been marketed ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB78.00 per kilo of the size 200-400, from RUB80.00 per kilo of the size 400-600, RUB82.00 per kilo of the size 600-800, at RUB85.00 per kilo of the size 800-1000 and at RUB86.00 per kilo of the size 1000+. The prices have dropped by RUB2.00-5.00 per kilo.

As per the second week of March 2009, skin-on hake fillets made in China have been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB98.00 per kilo of the size 6-8 ounces, and from RUB100.00 per kilo of the size 8+. The prices have slightly increased.


In the second week of March 2009 stagnation has remained on the squid market. Prices for magister squid as compared to the first week of March have not changed.

Prices for magister squid tubes ex-coldstore in Moscow have settled at RUB67.00 per kilo. There have also been offers of the product ex-coldstore in Moscow region at a price of RUB65.00 per kilo. Squid tentacles have been offered at RUB35.00 per kilo.

Cleaned squid tubes made by Okeanrybflot have been offered in Saint Petersburg at RUB108.00 per kilo.

Non-cleaned tubes of Argentinean illex squid have been sold in Moscow at about RUB45.00 per kilo. The same product has been also available at 1.65 USD per kilo.

Japanese squid tubes have been marketed in Moscow at RUB62.00 per kilo.

Squid fillets from Vietnam have been available ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg at about RUB42.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of March 2009 the pangasius market has showed no changes. Both in Saint Petersburg and in Moscow prices have remained unchanged.

In Saint Petersburg prices for pangasius fillets have been fluctuating from RUB72.00 to RUB74.00 per kilo.

In Moscow many traders have been offering pangasius fillets at RUB75.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of March 2009 the situation on the tilapia market has remained unchanged. No price changes have been observed. Various sizes of tilapia have been on offer both in Saint Petersburg and in Moscow.

More specifically, Chinese tilapia fillets have been marketed ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB160.00 per kilo of the size 2-3, from RUB162.00 per kilo of the size 3-5, from RUB164.00 per kilo of the size 5-7 and from RUB164.00 per kilo of the size 7-9.

HGT tilapia has been offered at RUB111.00 per kilo of the size 500-800 and RUB114.00 per kilo of the size 800+. The prices have remained stable.

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