Overview of Moscow's freshfrozen fish market as per the second week of February 2009

February 13, 2009 16:32

As per the second week of February 2009 trade in freshfrozen seafood in Moscow has displayed mixed price trends, analysts of www.fishnet-russia.com (www.fishnet.ru) concluded after analyzing the current situation on the market.

Vessels started to call at Murmansk port for clearance of capelin catches, however only Norwegian vessels actually landed capelin (while the Russian ships only called at the port for mandatory customs clearance). In the first week of February 2009 the port handled nearly 1500 tonnes of capelin from a foreign transport vessel Storfoss. The fish was landed to the Coldstore No.5 and the cargo owner was to decide on its further destination. The first Russian capelin was expected to arrive at the port on 10-11 February as the earliest. Kapitan Morgun owned by Murmansk-based Robinzon was however delayed at sea due to unfavourable weather conditions. According to preliminary estimates, the vessel was expected to bring to the port 1300 tonnes of capelin.

The Russian Alaska pollock expedition was gathering momentum in the Sea of Okhotsk. According to the Russian Pollock Fishermen's Association, the fishery was conducted by 112 large and middle trawlers. Spokesmen from BAMR-ROLIZ group of companies said that all the vessels started harvesting pollock on the grounds. In the Sea of Okhotsk there were already 11 vessels owned by the group, the figure including six BATM large trawlers, four RTMS supertrawlers and one RTM trawlers. Another BATM is to join the fleet on the grounds later on. The whole fleet was planned to stay in the Sea of Okhotsk until the closure of all the fishing areas on 10 April 2009. According to the agreement with the APO Fishermen's Association, BAMR-ROLIZ decided to leave the catch volume at the level of last year despite the increase of Pollock TAC in the Sea of Okhotsk by 20%. Such strategic decision is to prevent risks of a collapse on the Pollock roe market as well as to save the spawning stock. The remaining quota will be covered in the autumn period. The main focus in the food production in the Sea of Okhotsk will be made on single frozen fillets.

According to the Association, in January 2009 the Pollock harvest amounted to 107,300 metric tons (12.3% of the TAC in the Sea of Okhotsk).

As per the second week of February 2009, the Russian fish market was fairly calm. Suspension or weakening of the price rise could be attributed to declining USD exchange rate to the Russian ruble. The rate decreased for the second day running (as per 10 February 2009) and as many large importers will set prices in USD equivalent, RUB prices for their products stopped rising or even declined.

In the second week of the second month of the year Pollock prices were actively rising in Moscow. That was due to a strong demand from the Chinese importers and unwillingness of the producers to sell their output on the domestic market. In general, according to one wholesaler, prices for the Russian fish were peaking and consumers began resisting against such price level. According to some sources, seafood consumption has been somewhat shrinking against the background of higher prices.

Pink salmon

As per the second week of February 2009 pink salmon prices in Moscow closely approached the level of RUB100.00 per kilo.

In Moscow w/r pink salmon has been offered at RUB90.00-95.00 per kilo, head-on gutted pink salmon has been traded from RUB95.00 to RUB100.00 per kilo. Prices of pink salmon headed and gutted purchased for inventory have reached RUB110.00 per kilo for the lots from 2-10 tonnes ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Russian pink salmon fillets skin-on IQF 300 grams have been available at RUB115.00-130.00 per kilo.

American interleaved pink salmon fillets 400+ has been offered from RUB110.00 tonnes ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg. Fillet prices remained unchanged.

Chum salmon

As per the second week of February 2009 the situation on the chum salmon market has remained comparably stable. Large suppliers have been offering good quality 1st grade chum salmon head-on and gutted harvested in Kamchatka from RUB86.00 to RUB95.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow. The maximum price of headed chum salmon has grown to RUB100.00 per kilo. The average price has been reported at ca. RUB90.00 per kilo.

Head-on and gutted chum salmon has been offered at RUB90.00 per kilo.

Chum salmon with spawning changes has been available ex-regional coldstore at about RUB71.00 per kilo. Traders have also offered gutted chum salmon both headed and head-on of the second grade, fit for canning at RUB75.00 per kilo.

Chum salmon fillets IQF with glazing of less than 5% made in Kamchatka have been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB115.00-130.00 per kilo.

Salmon roe

In the second week of February 2009 prices of salted salmon roe have displayed stability with a downward trend. The current prices have decreased to RUB1000.00-1300.00 per kilo. There have appeared offers of salted salmon roe at RUB900.00 per kilo.

Pink salmon roe has been offered from RUB1100.00 per kilo.

Sockeye roe has been available from RUB1200.00 per kilo.

Chum salmon roe has been traded at ca.RUB1300.00 per kilo.

Roe of coho salmon harvested in Kamchatka has been sold at ca.RUB1200.00 per kilo.

Frozen trout roe 1st grade has been marketed at RUB1350.00-1500.00 per kilo ex-farm.

Frozen salmon roe in skeins have depreciated.

Sockeye and coho salmon roe in skeins has been sold at RUB500.00-600.00 per kilo. Pink salmon roe sacks have been marketed from RUB750.00 per kilo including the VAT.

Atlantic salmon

As per the second week of February 2009 the price rise on Moscow's Atlantic salmon market has come to a halt. Prices for the Norwegian salmon as compared to the first week of the month have not changed greatly. Prices for Chilean salmon have also remained stable.

From Norway reports are coming about a considerable decrease of prices for the Norwegian salmon after a monthly of very high prices. It is not yet clear how the above situation in Norway will tell on the product prices in Russia.

In Moscow Atlantic salmon Superior made in Norway has been offered at following prices: from RUB205.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB215.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 6-7, from RUB235.00 per kilo of the size 7-8, and from RUB240.00 per kilo of the sizes 8-9.

Chilled Atlantic salmon Premium has been marketed from RUB183.00-185.00 per kilo of the size 2-3, from RUB190.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB195.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB198.00-203.00 per kilo of the size 7-8, from RUB211.00 per kilo of the size 8-9 and from RUB215.00 per kilo of the size 9+.


In the second week of February 2009, just like for Atlantic salmon, prices for trout have ceased rising in Moscow. As per the second week of February 2009 prices both for the Norwegian and Chilean products have not changed.

Prices for Chilean trout Premium as compared to the first week of February 2009 have remained unchanged at RUB190.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB210.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-4.0, from RUB240.00 per kilo 3.6-4.5.

Norwegian trout Superior has been marketed from RUB200.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-3.6, RUB250.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5 and from RUB260.00 per kilo of the size 4.5+.

Karelian trout H&G frozen has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB165.00 to RUB175.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of February 2009 the herring market has been showing stability. Murmansk port has been receiving catches of herring and the product supply in the city has been growing.

In Murmansk newly caught herring 200-300 made by Murmansk Trawl Fleet has been available at RUB26.50-27.50 per kilo. Herring 300+ has been marketed at RUB36.00 per kilo.

Prices for imported herring have remained unchanged as compared to the previous week.

Herring from Norway has been offered in Saint Petersburg from RUB35.00 per kilo of the size 300+, from RUB41.50 per kilo of the size 350+, from RUB58.00-60.00 per kilo of the size 400+.

In Moscow prices of large importers have been not changed either and remained from RUB36.50 per kilo of the size 300+, from RUB41.70 per kilo of the size 350+ and from RUB52.40 per kilo of the size 400+.

Norwegian herring flaps 4-8 have been marketed ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB63.00-64.00 per kilo, while the size 6-10 has been available in the capital from RUB58.00-59.00 per kilo.

In the end of January 2009 Pacific herring was been offered at RUB28.00-31.00 per kilo in transit to coldstore in Moscow. Large Pacific herring 300+ has showed a fairly good demand with prices settling at RUB35.00-36.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow. Prices have been comparably stable.


As per the second week of February 2009 the price rise on the mackerel market has weakened. Norwegian w/r mackerel has been offered in Moscow from RUB75.00-76.00 per kilo of the size 300-500, from RUB99.00-100.00 per kilo of the size 400-600 and from RUB150.00 per kilo of the size 600+.

Large importers in Saint Petersburg have also increased their prices with the product offered from RUB58.00 per kilo of the size 200-400, from RUB78.00 per kilo of the size 300-500, from RUB99.50 per kilo of the size 400-600 and from RUB151.00 per kilo of the size 600+.

Whole/round Scottish mackerel has been offered in Moscow at RUB85.00 per kilo of the size 300-500 and at RUB103.00-105.00 per kilo of the size 400-600. The prices have slightly appreciated.

Japanese mackerel 400-600 has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB78.00 per kilo. The prices have not changed.

Canadian mackerel 400-600 in Moscow has been sold at RUB110.00 per kilo. The price has not changed.

Mackerel 300+ w/r made by Morskaya zvezda Ltd has been sold ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg at RUB62.00 per kilo.

Baltic herring, Baltic sprat

As per the second week of February 2009 the situation on the Baltic sprat market has remained stable.

More specifically, Swedish sprat 10-12 cm has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB26.50 per.

Estonian sprat 10-12 cm in transit to coldstore has been sold at RUB26.00 per kilo in Saint Petersburg.

Traders have been also offering Latvian sprat delivered to Pskov from RUB22.00 per kilo.

As per the beginning of February 2009, prices for Baltic herring have remained stable as compared to the end of January 2009.

Swedish herring 14-18 has been offered at RUB27.00 per kilo in Moscow, the size 18+ has been available at RUB34.00 per kilo ex-coldstore. Baltic herring 16-20 of the Russian origin has been offered ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg at RUB24.00 per kilo.


According to the official information, Kapitan Morgun trawler owned by Murmansk-based company Robinzon is to become the first Russian vessel to call at the city's port to land a catches of 1300 tonnes of capelin. So far only Norwegian vessels have been calling at the port to land capelin there.

As per the second week of February 2009 the capelin market has been showing growing supply.

There have been offers of Norwegian capelin 30-40 in Murmansk at RUS32.50 per kilo.

Blue whiting

In the second week of February 2009 the vessels have kept calling at the Russian ports to land new catches of blue whiting. On the market there have been a lot of offers both in Murmansk and in Saint Petersburg.

Prices for blue whiting as per the second week of February 2009 have slightly increased.

In Murmansk blue whiting 20+ has been offered at RUB28.00-29.00 per kilo.

In Saint Petersburg blue whiting from the new harvest has been offered at RUB31.00-32.00 per kilo.

Blue whiting fillets (flaps) produced by Murmansk Trawl Fleet have been offered at RUB40.00 per kilo.

Russian pollock

As per the second week of February 2009, the Russian market of Alaska pollock has been facing difficulties. Despite statements of the officials, no increase of pollock supply to the domestic market has been observed. With the strong USD rate and the prices for headed pollock 25+ of at least 1600 USD per tonne DES Qingdao as offered by the Chinese importers shipments of the product to the domestic market at much lower prices does not make any sense, said one major pollock harvester. Moreover, the Chinese importers pay for the fish within 3-5 days after shipment.

The pollock season has been progressing, but pollock prices on the domestic market have continued rising.

As per the second week of February 2009 H&G pollock has appreciated to RUB64.00-68.00 per kilo of the size 25+, RUB65.00-69.00 per kilo of the size 30+, while the size 35+ has reached a price of RUB70.00 per kilo.

As for double frozen fillets from China, prices ex-coldstore have remained more or less stable as compared to the previous week. Skinned pollock fillets IQF ex-coldstore in Moscow have been offered at RUB80.00-83.00 per kilo of the size 6-8 and at RUB82.00-85.00 per kilo of the size 8+.


As per the second week of February 2009 prices for HGT hake originating from the USA and Canada have remained stable, just like those for Argentinean hake.

HGT hake 300-600 from Canada has been offered at RUB87.00-88.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg, while the size 500+ has been available at RUB90.00-91.00 per kilo.

Prices for US-made HGT hake 300-500 have also settled at RUB87.00 per kilo.

Hake from Ecuador has been marketed ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB81.00 per kilo of the size 200-400. At RUB84.00 per kilo of the size 400-600, RUB85.00 per kilo of the size 600-800, at RUB92.00 per kilo of the size 800-1000 and at RUB94.00 per kilo of the size 1000+.

Prices have remained unchanged.

Prices for Argentinean hake fillets in Saint Petersburg have been on a rise. More specifically, Argentinean hake fillets have been marketed in the city at RUB124.00 per kilo of the size 80-200, while the size 300+ has been sold at RUB141.00 per kilo.

As per the second week of February 2009 skin-on hake fillets made in China have been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB95.00 per kilo of the size 4-6 ounces, from RUB98.00 per kilo of the size 6-8 and from RUB100.00 per kilo of the size 8+.


In the second week of February 2008 the situation on the squid market has remained comparably stable. Prices for magister squid as compared to the first week of February have slightly increased. Prices for imported squid have been stable.

Prices for magister squid tubes ex-coldstore in Moscow have been fluctuating at Rub64.00-75.00 per kilo. The minimum prices have remained unchanged so far, while the maximum price has slightly increased.

Cleaned squid tubes made by Okeanrybflot have been offered in Saint Petersburg at RUB108.00 per kilo.

Non-cleaned tubes of Argentinean illex squid have been sold in Moscow at about RUB60.00 per kilo. The prices have remained fairly stable.

Non-cleaned tubes of New Zealand squid 25-30 cm have been traded in Moscow at stable prices of RUB55.00 per kilo.

Squid fillets from Vietnam have been available ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg at about RUB42.00 per kilo.

Skinned squid tubes from China have been offered in Saint Petersburg at RUB105.00-106.00 per kilo, while squid rings have been sold at RUB108.00-109.00 per kilo.


The market participants have noted gradually declining supply of pangasius fillets and lack of new shipments. According to one trader, Vietnam has not been shipping the product to Russia for two months running. Fillets shipped before 20 December 2008 when the ban was introduced have already appeared on the market. No more container loads are expected to be observed in the near future with no containers being on the way to Russia.

As per the second week of February 2009 the Russian market of pangasius has been showing a positive price dynamics.

The minimum price for pink fillets of pangasius 200+ in Moscow has been estimated at ca.RUB80.00 per kilo. The maximum price has increased to RUB89.00 per kilo.


The situation on the tilapia market has been stable. As compared to the first week of February 2009 the prices have not changed.

More specifically, Chinese tilapia fillets have been marketed ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB138.00 per kilo of the size 2-3, from RUB146.00 to RUB155.00 per kilo of the size 3-5, from RUB147.00 to RUB166.00 per kilo of the size 5-7 and at about RUB164.00 per kilo of the size 7-9.

HGT tilapia has been offered at RUB118.00 per kilo of the size 500-800 and RUB122.00 per kilo of the size 800+. The prices have not changed.

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