Overview of Moscow's freshfrozen fish market as per second week of December 2009

December 21, 2009 12:36

As per the second week of December 2009 trade in freshfrozen seafood in Moscow has shown mixed price trends, analysts of www.fishnet-russia.com (www.fishnet.ru) concluded after analyzing the current situation on the market.

As per 14 December 2009 Russia's total harvest of finfish and other aquatic species amounted to 3,479,800 tonnes, 370,400 tonnes up on the corresponding result of 2008. The TACs were covered at 87.4%, 11.9% up on the corresponding result of last year.

Federal Fisheries Agency

According to Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency, for the first time in 20 years Russia's seafood export volume exceeded the seafood import volume. More specifically, in the first ten months of 2009 Russia exported 823,000 tonnes and imported 809,000 tonnes of seafood products. The export rise could be attributed to entry into force of the regulation calling the fishermen for clearance of their export products at the Russian customs territory.

In the second week of December 2009 Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency approved orders for distribution of capture quotas 2010 between the users of the nation's Far East, North and West Fisheries Basins for inshore and offshore commercial fisheries in Russia's territorial sea and on the continental shelf, in the Russian EEZ as well as for fisheries in the areas under the international agreements.

In the middle of December 2009 the Agency started Russian-Moroccan consultations on a new intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Morocco on cooperation in the sphere of marine fisheries.

Vet update

In the second week of December 2009 Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselkhoznadzor and New Zealand Food Safety Authority initialed a new certificate for seafood export to Russia which came into from 14 December 2009. Therefore, seafood products shipped under the old veterinary certificates after 14 December 2009 are not subject to clearance and importation into Russia.

Besides, on the same week the Russian vets released a list of Indian fish processing companies approved for export to Russia. Products shipped from other than listed fish processors after 1 January 2010 are not subject to importation into Russia (For more information please see article "Russian vets giving list of Indian fish processors approved for export to Russia" in the "RUSSIAN VET CONTROL UPDATE" section of the current issue).

Along with the above developments, Rosselkhoznadzor also released lists of additionally approved seafood exporters from such countries as Spain, Latvia and Canada (For more information please see article "Russian vets approving more fish processors from Spain, Latvia and Canada" in the "RUSSIAN VET CONTROL UPDATE" section of the current issue).

In general, in the second week of December 2009 Moscow's seafood market showed mixed price trends. More specifically, herring, large-size mackerel, chilled Norwegian salmon and Norwegian capelin were appreciating while the prices of North American hake, pangasius and tilapia fillets were falling.

In the week under analysis the weather temperature in the European part of Russia dramatically decreased and in the periods of bitter frosts seafood consumption is normally on the rise. The market participants now facing a sales fall and lack of holiday boom hope that in the closing weeks of the year 2009 the demand will still rise.

Pink salmon and chum salmon

Kamchatka-based fishery research institute KamchatNIRO has listened to a forecast of the Pacific salmon harvest in 2010. Even years are regarded not promising for the pink salmon fishery in East Kamchatka and in 2010 the fishing scene is expected to shift to the west coast of Kamchatka where the fishermen will be able to harvest 91,000 tonnes of pink salmon. The total harvest in West Kamchatka is forecasted at ca.125,000 tonnes, including 14,000 tonnes of chum and pink salmons, 17,000 tonnes of sockeye and 1200 tonnes of coho salmon. About 15,000 tonnes of chum salmon are expected to be harvested at the eastern shores of Kamchatka and a little more than 15,000 tonnes - in the inshore waters from the western side of it. The same volumes of chum salmon are forecasted to be caught on the continental coast of the Sea of Okhotsk (mostly at the coast of Khabarovsky Krai). The total forecasted harvest of salmons in 2010 amounts to ca.341,000 tonnes, including 196,000 tonnes of pink salmon, 107,000 tonnes of chum salmon, 28,000 tonnes of sockeye, 4500 tonnes of coho salmon and 1200 tonnes of chinook.

As per the second week of December 2009 the situation on the salmon market has remained stable with prices continuing slightly rising. In some regions retail prices of pink salmon have been rising, in particular from small retailers on food markets. Experts explain the price rise by coming New Year holidays and brisker demand making the retailers hope for better proceeds.

As per the second week of December 2009 the average offer price for pink salmon head-on gutted 1st grade made in Sakhalin fluctuates from RUB53.00 to RUB56.00 per kilo on Moscow's market. Kamchatka pink salmon is offered at about RUB52.00 per kilo. Whole pink salmon is marketed from RUB50.00 to RUB55.00 per kilo. Headed pink salmon is available at RUB65.00-72.00 per kilo.

Chum salmon head-on, gutted is offered at ca.RUB82.00-85.00 per kilo while chum salmon headless, gutted harvested in Sakhalin is offered at RUB93.00-96.00 per kilo. Kamchatka chum salmon headed is offered at RUB95.00 per kilo.


In the second week of December 2009 the caviar and roe market has remained stable as compared to early December. The demand also remains stable.

Pink salmon roe of medium quality is selling well with the prices for large lots of such products amounting to ca.RUB720.00-760.00 per kilo.

The offer price of salted salmon caviar of premium quality made in 2009 amounts to RUB850.00-900.00 per kilo.

Atlantic salmon and trout

Moscow processors say that importers and large suppliers of chilled salmon, in particular from Norway, have increased their prices. As per the 51st week of the year 2009, Atlantic salmon 6-7 has appreciated in Moscow from RUB215.00 to RUB230.00-240.00 per kilo due to the above mentioned price rise in Norway. In the period from 7 to 13 December 2009 the export value of chilled salmon grew by 10.8% to 28.48 NOK per kilo as compared to the previous week. Prices for frozen salmon have also gone up from 31.60 NOK to 31.98 NOK per kilo.

As per the second week of December, the prices for frozen salmon and trout in Moscow have remained stable.

Norwegian salmon SUPERIOR has been offered in Moscow from RUB220.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB235.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB245.00 per kilo of the size 6-7, from RUB250.00 per kilo of the size 7-8 and from RUB255.00 per kilo of the size 8-9.

Chilean salmon PREMIUM has been marketed from RUB215.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB235.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB245.00 per kilo of the size 6-7 and from RUB250.00 per kilo of the size 7-8.

Chilean salmon INDUSTRIAL has been traded from RUB185.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB215.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 6-7 and from RUB230.00 per kilo of the size 7-8.

As per the second week of December 2009 Norwegian trout SUPERIOR has been offered in Moscow at following prices: from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB245.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-3.6, from RUB255.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5, and from RUB255.00 per kilo of the sizes 4.5+.

Chilean trout PREMIUM has been available in Moscow from RUB215.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB235.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-4.0, from RUB250.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5 and from RUB245.00 per kilo of the size 4.5+.

Rainbow trout of various sizes from Spain has been sold in Moscow from RUB195.00 per kilo.

Faroe trout has been traded from RUB250.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-3.6, from RUB255.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5 and from RUB260.00 per kilo of the size 4.5+.


According to provisional catch figures, the herring harvest in the Russian Far East from 8 to 15 December 2009 grew to 12,629 tonnes, the bulk of which went for production of herring 200-300 and poorly graded and classified as large and fat products.

On the grounds of Atlanto-Scandian herring the harvest through the week amounted to 1171 tonnes mostly contributed by Kaliningrad-based vessels. Russian vessels were about to exhaust their quota remainder and switch to the blue whiting fishery.

According to the industry insiders, the Norwegians have already been conducting the herring fishery out of the quota 2010 as in 2009 they have been allowed to cover 10% of the quota 2010. According to provisional figures, their catches have already amounted to more than 21,000 tonnes. The total harvest of Norwegian spring-spawning herring as per mid-December 2009 has exceeded the allowable catch and amounted to 1,023,408 tonnes (102.11%).

Besides, if the Russian fishermen do not receive blue whiting quotas in the Faroese fishing zone, the whole fleet will have to go to the herring grounds in January 2010.

According to a representative from the industry, the market will also depend on the herring sales to Nigeria. If the sales are fairly good, the prices will also rise.

As per the second week of December 2009, the prices on the Russian market has been showing a positive trend and the importers have continued exerting the upward pressure on prices. The Norwegian herring have been appreciating, large importers say. Prices from other producers, Russian inclusive, have also been rising following the price increase for the Norwegian herring.

The offer prices for Russian herring in Saint-Petersburg amount to ca.RUB23.00 per kilo of the size 200-300 and ca.RUB25.00 per kilo of the size 300+.

Norwegian herring has been offered in Saint Petersburg at the following prices: from RUB27.50 per kilo of the size 300+, from RUB35.00 per kilo of the size 350+ and from RUB44.00 per kilo of the size 400+.

In Saint Petersburg Icelandic herring has been offered from RUB30.00 per kilo of the size 350+ and from RUB46.00 per kilo of the size 400+.

Norwegian butterfly herring fillets 4-8 have been traded in Saint-Petersburg from RUB45.00 per kilo, ex-coldstore, and the counts 6-10 and 8-12 have been offered correspondingly at RUB44.50 and RUB43.00 per kilo.

Icelandic herring fillets 4-8 and 5-8 have been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB49.00 per kilo.


According to active market players, the positive price trend on the mackerel market has persisted as per the second week of December 2009. Just like in the previous week, many suppliers have continued rising their prices for mackerel 400-600 and 600+. Prices for mackerel 300-500 have been showing mixed trends, though in general they have remained comparably stable.

In Moscow Norwegian mackerel has been offered at RUB55.00-65.00 per kilo of the size 300-500 and from RUB85.00 per kilo of the size 400-600.

Scottish mackerel has been marketed in Saint Petersburg at the following prices: from RUB55.00-57.00 per kilo of the size 300-500, at RUB85.00 per kilo of the size 400-600 and at RUB103.00 per kilo of the size 600+.

Icelandic mackerel headed has been traded in Saint- Petersburg at RUB58.00-62.00 per kilo of the size 200-400 and at RUB83.00 per kilo of the size 300+.

Canadian mackerel 400-600 has been traded in Saint Petersburg at RUB80.00-86.00 per kilo.

Irish mackerel has been traded at RUB57.00 per kilo of the size 300-500, RUB85.00 per kilo of the size 400-600 and RUB100.00 per kilo of the size 600+ in Saint Petersburg.

Russian headed mackerel has been offered ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB55.00 per kilo of the sizes 200-300 and 200-400 depending on producer and quality, mackerel 300+ has been sold at RUB91.00-94.00 per kilo. Mackerel 300-600 w/r has been offered approximately at RUB53.00 per kilo.

Baltic herring, Baltic sprat

As per the second week of December 2009 the Baltic sprat harvest in Kaliningrad-led West Fisheries Basin has reached 22,200 tonnes from the beginning of the year, 3400 tonnes up on the corresponding result of 2008.

The sprat harvest in the Azov and Black Sea Basin amounts to 11,200 tonnes, 4200 tonnes up on last year.

As per mid-December 2009, the sprat market has been showing stable prices after a slight price fall on the previous week.

In particular, Estonian sprat 10-12 cm has been sold from RUB20.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Swedish sprat 10-12 cm has been available from RUB27.00 per kilo.

As per the second week of December 2009, prices for Baltic herring have remained comparably stable.

Latvian herring 14-16 has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB25.00 per kilo.

Finnish herring has been traded from RUB22.00 per kilo of the size 12-15 cm and at RUB24.00 per kilo of the size 15-17 cm.

Swedish herring has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB28.00 per kilo of the size 14-18.

Russian herring 16+ has been sold in Moscow at RUB28.00 per kilo, while the size 12-15 has been offered at RUB20.50 per kilo.


According to the scientists, absence of Murmansk fleets on the capelin grounds in autumn could be attributed to fishermen's concerns due to the lack of stock spotting information and extremely strong depletion of the capelin stock by cod and haddock. The latter has resulted into a stock decrease on last year (contrary to the scientific forecasts), as well as into absence of capelin on the most promising grounds of the stock's concentrations. The Norwegians have set a conditional border at the 74th degree North banning the fishery operations to the north of it. To the south of the border the fishery has been allowed within the approved quota. However capelin was practically absent in that area.

At present, according to traders, ca.4000 tonnes of capelin inventories remain in Murmansk coldstores from the spring fishery. Traders fear that large coldstore inventories may hamper capelin landings in 2010. However, as per the second week of December 2009 the capelin sales have activated and the prices have been slightly rising, in particular prices for Norwegian capelin.

In Saint Petersburg Norwegian capelin has been available at following prices: RUB31.00-35.00 per kilo of the count 25-35, RUB31.00-35.00 per kilo of the count 30-40 and RUB26.00-27.00 per kilo of the count 40-50.

Icelandic capelin 30-40 has been offered at RUB33.00-35.00 per kilo in Saint Petersburg.

Canadian capelin has been offered at RUB35.00 per kilo of the size 30-40 in Saint Petersburg subject to prepayment.

The Russian capelin made by ATF has been traded at RUB23.00-27.00 per kilo of the count 30-40 ex-coldstore in Moscow region subject to prepayment. Russian capelin made by Murmansk Trawl Fleet has been offered at RUB17.00-18.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow of the sizes 50-60.

Blue whiting

The Faroese trawler Skaloberg which was arrested by the Russian border guards as suspected in violation of the fishery regulations, remained in Murmansk as per the second week of December 2009. Due to that reason, the Russian-Faroese capture quota talks have been upset and the Russian blue whiting quota has remained up in the air.

According to the information coming from the grounds, taking into account gradual exhaustion of the herring quotas, some vessels moved to the grounds of wintering blue whiting concentrations, mostly in the northern part of the Faroese fishing zone. As a result, the blue whiting harvest in the Norwegian Sea has increased to 1100 tonnes (+430 tonnes).

As per the second week of December 2009 the blue whiting market has kept facing a lack of supply and a corresponding upward pressure on prices.

In Murmansk the offer prices for blue whiting amounted to RUB40.00 per kilo.

In Saint Petersburg blue whiting 25+ has been traded at ca.RUB34.00-35.00 per kilo. Russian blue whiting has been sold in Saint Petersburg at RUB38.00-45.00 per kilo

Alaska pollock

From 8 to 15 December 2009 the Russian fishermen harvested 38,142 tonnes of pollock in the Russian Far East. As per 15 December 2009 the total pollock harvest in the Russian Far East amounted to 1,320,000 tonnes.

The pollock quota 2010 in the USA has been reportedly decreased. The Bering Sea pollock TAC has been set at 813,000 tonnes, 2000 tonnes down on 2009.

According to the market participants, the situation on the pollock market has remained stable with prices remaining unchanged as compared to the previous week. Prices for the Chinese pollock fillets have also remained stable.

As per the second week of December 2009, in Vladivostok headed pollock 25+ has been sold from RUB46.00-48.00 per kilo, while headed pollock in Moscow ex-coldstore have been traded at RUB58.00 per kilo for the size 25+. Sizes 30+ and 35+ have been marketed from RUB58.50-59.00 per kilo and from RUB59.50-60.00 per kilo correspondingly.

Skinned Chinese pollock fillets IQF have been sold ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB54.00 per kilo of the count 6-8 and from RUB56.00 per kilo of the count 8+ subject to large wholesale lots.


As per the second week of December 2009, the price trends on the hake market have been mixed. Prices for block frozen hake from the USA have slightly decreased, just like Canadian hake IQF.

US hake HGT 300-500 interleaved has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB67.00 per kilo, while the size 250+ has been sold at RUB65.00 per kilo.

Canadian HGT hake 300-500 interleaved has been sold ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB70.00 per kilo. Canadian 300-600 IQF has been sold in Saint Petersburg from RUB71.00 per kilo.

In Moscow HGT hake IQF from Uruguay has been offered at ca.RUB73.00 per kilo of the size 200-400 and at RUB76.00 per kilo of the size 500+. Meat in discs and cubes has been marketed from RUB70.00 per kilo.

Prices for Argentinean HGT hake amount to RUB94.00 per kilo of the size 500-800. Hake fillets 320+ and 120+ have been sold correspondingly at RUB142.00 and RUB130.00 per kilo.

Chinese hake fillets skin-on have been sold ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB70.00 per kilo of the count 6-8 and from RUB76.00 per kilo of the count 8+.


In the Russian Far East the fleets finished the fishery of B.magister squid. Since the beginning of the season through to 8 December 2009 the vessels owned by BAMR-Roliz harvested ca.30,304 tonnes of squid in the Northwest Pacific waters.

As per the second week of December 2009, squid tubes made by NBAMR have been offered in the Russian Far East from RUB55.00 per kilo, tentacles from RUB40.00 per kilo.

Todarodes pacificus squid made by NBAMR has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB65.00-68.00 per kilo. The offer prices subject to prepayment start from RUB63.00 per kilo.

Skinned squid fillets made by Okeanrybflot have been sold at RUB100.00 per kilo, while interleaved fillets have been sold at RUB112.00 per kilo.

Fillets of giant squid from Peru have been offered in Moscow from RUB45.00-48.00 per kilo.

Cleaned squid tubes U10 of the Chinese origin have been traded from RUB120.00 per kilo in Moscow.


As per the second week of December 2009, the saury market has been showing a lack of supply. There have been offers of the Japanese saury to be delivered to the ports of Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok. The prices have remained stably high.

Frozen Japanese saury 80-120 has been marketed in Saint Petersburg at RUB55.00 per kilo subject to prepayment.

Saury made by Gidrostroy has been offered at RUB64.00 per kilo in Moscow.

Wholesale prices for canned saury in 250-gram cans has been fluctuating from RUB22.00 to RUB42.00 per kilo depending on the producer.


At present, when some markets have been showing positive development trends, export to Russia and the Ukraine, main markets for Vietnamese pangasius in 2008, has dwindled to the level which can be characterized as depressive.

In October 2009 the Russian importers purchased only 400 tonnes of pangasius at the total value of USD600,000, 95% down on the same period of 2008 and much down on 8000 tonnes imported in September 2009.

Pangasius export has been declining, in November 2009 the coldstore inventories of processed fish have been very large, the prices for raw pangasius have dramatically decreased and the processing companies have been even unwilling to purchase it. According to owners of many large farms in Dong Thap province, prices offered by processors amount to 14,500-14,800 Vietnamese dongs per kilo, equal to the farm's cost price.

On the market of pangasius fillets in Moscow and Saint Petersburg the prices have been generally descending to the particular level. Many wholesalers have been pushing their prices down to the level of RUB66.00-67.00 per kilo in Saint Petersburg.

The majority of offers from wholesalers has leveled at RUB70.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of December 2009, the market of tilapia fillets, unlike that of pangasius fillets, has been showing mixed price trends. Some importers have been increasing their prices, and some - decreasing.

In Saint Petersburg tilapia fillets 3-5 ounces have been offered from RUB85.00 per kilo subject to prepayment, while the size 5-7 has been marketed at RUB90.00 per kilo.

Cash on delivery prices amount to ca. RUB92.00 per kilo of the count 3-5 and RUB95.00 per kilo of the count 5-7.

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