Overview of Moscow's freshfrozen fish market as per mid-October 2009

October 15, 2009 10:24

During the second week of October 2009 trade in freshfrozen seafood in Moscow has shown mixed price trends, analysts of http://www.fishnet-russia.com/ (https://www.fishnet.ru/) concluded after analyzing the current situation on the market.

As per 6 October 2009 Russia's total harvest of finfish and other aquatic species amounted to 2,927,600 tonnes, 293,700 tonnes up on the corresponding result of 2008. The TACs were covered at 73.5%, 11.2% up on the corresponding result of last year.

The total harvest of Pacific salmons in the Russian Far East in 2009 amounted to 528,000 metric tons, 192,300 tonnes up on the result of 2007.

At the 38th session of Mixed Russian-Norwegian Fisheries Commission the cod TAC 2010 has been set at 607,000 tonnes. The haddock TAC has been agreed at 243,000 tonnes. The capelin TAC 2010 has been set at 360,000 tonnes. The sides have agreed on shares of the black halibut stock and set the annual TAC of the species at 15,000 tonnes for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012. The Russians have informed the Norwegian counterparts that the total allowable harvest of the red king crab in the Russian EEZ in the year 2010 has been set at 7800 tonnes (equal to ca.2.69 million crabs).

Sources from the Russian Far East reported a gradual decline of railway tariffs for seafood shipments to the Central Russia. More specifically, as per mid-October 2009 the railway charges per reefer section have decreased from RUB2.1 million in the peak of the season to RUB1.4 million in early October. However, according to the official figures, through the first nine months of the current year 2009 the railway turnover of seafood decreased by 12% to 392,000 tonnes. Traders in the Russian Far East say it has been really a challenge to ship seafood to the regions of Russia, and while the wholesale price of pink salmon in Moscow has decreased to RUB45.00 per kilo, in the nation's Northwestern regions it is still marketed at RUB120.00-130.00 per kilo in retail network.

The continuous decline of the exchange rate of USD to RUB has been another important factor for the seafood traders. For importers the weakening USD has created a favourable situation resulting into smaller prices for imported seafood, while the exporters have taken it as an unfavourable factor making seafood exports less profitable for them. From 14 September to 14 October 2009 the USD value to RUB has decreased nearly by 5% from RUB31.00 to RUB29.50 per USD. Against such a background the prices have decreased for such imported articles as pangasius fillets, tilapia fillets, HGT hake and other products.

In general, as per mid-October 2009 the market has been showing negative price trends for tilapia fillets, pangasius fillets, pollock fillets, herring and mackerel.

Pink salmon and chum salmon

As per mid-October 2009, the market supply of pink salmon has been plentiful with the products from various producers and of different quality being on offer. Many traders report good sales and pink salmon has been one of the "hottest" positions in wholesalers' price-lists. However, it is still a long way to the market saturation, as the product prices in the regions have remained high. In those cities where the logistics is well developed, the retail prices amount to RUB60.00-70.00 per kilo of pink salmon, while in some regions the prices have reached RUB140.00 per kilo.

In general, in Moscow Kamchatka pink salmon of not very high quality has been offered by wholesalers at RUB43.00 per kilo on cash against goods terms and for large lots. Kurile and Sakhalin pink salmon of good quality has been priced at RUB50.00-55.00 perkilo. Headed pink salmon of good quality made by Svobodnoye-2001 has been available at RUB70.00 per kilo.

Chum salmon in transit to coldstore has been offered at RUB80.00 per kilo. Headed and gutted chum salmon has been marketed at RUB90.00-95.00 per kilo.


In the second week of October 2009 the caviar and roe market has been showing price stabilization. More specifically, the prices for high quality pink salmon roe have settled at RUB750.00-800.00 per kilo. There have also been offers of pink salmon roe of lower quality at RUB650.00 per kilo.

Salted chum salmon roe in cubotainers has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB850.00-900.00 per kilo.

Atlantic salmon and trout

The negative price trend which emerged in September 2009 has persisted in the second week of October 2009. Norwegian sources keep reporting a decrease of export prices, while the Chilean products, trout in particular, have also been depreciating. Besides, downward pressure on prices has been fuelled by continuous weakening of the USD to RUB exchange rate.

As per the second week of October 2009 in Moscow Atlantic salmon SUPERIOR from Norway has been offered at the following prices: from RUB220.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB250.00 per kilo of the size 6-7, from RUB260.00 per kilo of the size 7-8 and from RUB270.00 per kilo of the size 8-9.

Chilean salmon PREMIUM has been marketed from RUB220.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB250.00 per kilo of the size 6-7 and from RUB255.00 per kilo of the size 7-8.

Chilean salmon INDUSTRIAL has been traded from RUB190.00 per kilo of the size 4-5, from RUB220.00 per kilo of the size 5-6, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 6-7 and from RUB235.00 per kilo of the size 7-8.

As per the second week of October 2009 Norwegian trout SUPERIOR has been offered in Moscow at following prices: from RUB220.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB225.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-3.6, from RUB245.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5, and from RUB250.00 per kilo of the sizes 4.5+.

Chilean trout PREMIUM has been available in Moscow from RUB205.00 per kilo of the size 0.9-1.8, from RUB220.00 per kilo of the size 1.8-2.7, from RUB230.00 per kilo of the size 2.7-3.6 and from RUB240.00 per kilo of the size 3.6-4.5.

Rainbow trout of various sizes from Spain has been sold in Moscow from RUB220.00 per kilo.

Trout of the Russian origin has been offered from RUB180.00 per kilo ex-farm in Karelia.


As per the second week of October 2009 the Russian herring market has been showing a stable/negative price trend. According to the traders, the prices for the Russian herring 200-300 and 300+ have been stable, while the Norwegian herring has slightly depreciated.

In the course of the week from 6 to 13 October 2009 the Russian harvest of Atlanto-Scandian herring rose to 11,644 tonnes. The bulk of fish products coming in the Russian North Fisheries Basin was contributed by w/r herring 300+ and 200-300, while in the West Fisheries Basin the dominating product was poorly graded herring classified as large and fat and herring 300+. According to the reports coming from the fishing grounds, the Norwegian catches have been very good at nearly 52,000 tonnes, while the average herring size has been more than 300 grams.

As per the second week of October 2009 the offer prices for the Russian herring in Saint-Petersburg have amounted to ca.RUB22.50-23.50 per kilo of the size 200-300 and ca.RUB27.00-29.00 per kilo of the size 300+.

Norwegian herring has been offered in Saint Petersburg at the following prices: from RUB24.00 per kilo of the size 200-300, at RUB29.00-31.00 per kilo of the size 300+and at RUB39.00-41.00 per kilo of the size 350+.

Norwegian butterfly herring fillets 4-8 have been traded in Saint-Petersburg from RUB48.00 per kilo, ex-coldstore, and the counts 6-10 and 8-12 have been offered correspondingly at RUB46.00-48.00 and RUB45.00 per kilo.

Icelandic herring fillets have been offered at RUB48.00 per kilo of the counts 4-8 and 5-8 in Moscow.


As per the second week of October 2009, the situation on mackerel market has been characterized by mixed price trends. The prices have continued falling for the Norwegian mackerel.

The Norwegian fishery in the EU waters has been closed. If the fishery resumption is not allowed and the fish stays beyond the Norwegian EEZ, the fishery operations will grow too unprofitable for the vessels with large quota remainders.

In Moscow Norwegian mackerel 300-500 and 400 - 600 have been offered correspondingly at RUB55.00 per kilo and RUB72.00, the size 600+ has been marketed at a price RUB110.00 per kilo.

Scottish mackerel has been marketed in Saint Petersburg at the following prices: from RUB55.00 per kilo of the size 300-500, at RUB74.00 per kilo of the size 400-600 and at RUB114.00 per kilo of the size 600+.

Icelandic mackerel headed has been traded in Saint-Petersburg from RUB59.00 to RUB62.00 per kilo of the size 200-400, at RUB80.00 per kilo of the size 300+ and at RUB92.00 per kilo of the size 350+. In Moscow the sizes 200-400 have been offered at ca. RUB65.00 per kilo, 300+ from ca.RUB79.50 per kilo.

Irish mackerel has been marketed in Saint-Petersburg at RUB111.00 per kilo of the size 600+.

Russian headed mackerel has been offered ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg from RUB55.00 per kilo of the size 200-300 and 200-400 depending on quality and producer, the sizes 300+ and 400+ have been offered correspondingly at RUB92.00 and RUB110.00 per kilo. Mackerel 300-600 w/r has been marketed at RUB48.00-52.00 per kilo.

In Moscow mackerel made by Murmansk Trawl Fleet has been traded from RUB55.00 per kilo of the size 300- and at RUB92.00 per kilo of the size 300+ for sales from 20 tonnes.

Baltic herring, Baltic sprat

As per the second week of October 2009 the situation on the Baltic sprat market has remained stable.

More specifically, Estonian sprat 10-12 cm has been sold at RUB23.50-25.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow.

Swedish sprat 10-12 cm has been available from RUB28.00 per kilo.

Latvian sprat 10-12 has been sold at RUB24.50 per kilo.

Caspian sprat 10-12 has been offered at RUB35.00 per kilo.

As per the second week of October 2009, prices for Baltic herring have remained comparably stable.

Swedish herring has been offered ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB30.00 per kilo of the size 14-18.

Estonian herring has been marketed ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB24.00 per kilo of the size 12-16.

Finnish herring has been traded at RUB24.50 per kilo of the size 12-15 cm.

Russian herring 20+ has been available in Moscow at RUB22.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of October 2009, the situation on the capelin market has remained stable.

More specifically, in Saint Petersburg Norwegian capelin has been available at following prices: RUB32.00-35.00 per kilo of the count 25-35, RUB28.00-32.00 per kilo of the count 30-40, RUB26.00-27.00 per kilo of the count 40-50 and RUB17.00 per kilo of the count 55-60.

In Moscow prices for the Norwegian capelin have been as follows: RUB30.00-35.00 per kilo of the count 30-40, RUB33.00 per kilo of the count 35-45 and RUB29.00-32.00 per kilo of the count 40-50.

Icelandic capelin 30-40 has been offered at RUB33.00 per kilo in Saint Petersburg and at RUB34.00 per kilo in Moscow.

There have also been offers of Canadian capelin at RUB38.00 per kilo of the size 30-40 and RUB39.00 per kilo of the count 25-35 in Saint Petersburg subject to prepayment.

The Russian capelin made by ATF (Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet) has been traded at RUB26.00-27.00 per kilo of the count 30-40 ex-coldstore in Moscow region subject to prepayment. Russian capelin made by Murmansk Trawl Fleet has been offered at RUB17.00-18.00 per kilo ex-coldstore in Moscow of the sizes 50-60, at RUB22.00-24.00 per kilo of the sizes 40-50 and at RUB26.00-32.00 per kilo of the sizes 30-40.

Blue whiting

As per the second week of October 2009 the prices for blue whiting have continued being stable or rising. After active growth, the prices have stabilized, however the upward pressure on prices has still remained on the market. As per mid-October 2009 the Russian fleets have not been fishing for blue whiting.

In Murmansk the offer prices for blue whiting have started from RUB33.00 per kilo.

In Saint Petersburg traders have been also offered blue whiting from Ireland at RUB30.00 per kilo, though the offer prices for blue whiting of the Russian origin have exceeded RUB30.00 per kilo.

In Moscow the fish has been sold at RUB35.00 per kilo.

There are also offers of blue whiting backs made by Murmansk Trawl Fleet at RUB50.00 per kilo, while blue whiting fillets have been marketed at RUB52.00 per kilo.

Alaska pollock

During the week from 6 to 13 October 2009 the Russian vessels harvested 14,500 tonnes of pollock. In general since the beginning of the year 2009 the Russian fleets harvested somewhat more than 1.05 million tonnes of pollock. The TAC's take-up amounted to more than 68%.

As per the second week of October 2009, prices of headed Russian pollock have been comparably stable in Moscow. In Vladivostok headed pollock 25+ has been sold from RUB46.00-48.00 per kilo, while the headed pollock in Moscow ex-coldstore have been traded at RUB58.00 per kilo for sizes 25+, sizes 30+ and 35+ have been marketed from RUB58.50-59.00 per kilo and from RUB59.50-60.00 per kilo correspondingly.

Skinned Chinese pollock fillets IQF have been sold ex-coldstore in Moscow from RUB60.00 per kilo of the count 6-8 and at RUB65.00 per kilo of the count 8+ for large wholesale lots.


As per the second week of October 2009, the prices for the North American hake have continued falling. More specifically, while the prices for the North American hake have been decreasing, those for the South American hake have remained comparably stable, though slight price decreases have been observed for meat in cubes and discs from Uruguay.

More specifically, HGT hake interleaved of the Canadian origin has been offered ex-coldstore in Saint Petersburg at RUB71.00 per kilo of the size 300-500. Canadian hake 250+ has been offered in Saint-Petersburg from RUB66.50 per kilo. Canadian hake 300-600 IQF has been marketed in the city from RUB74.00 per kilo.

The HGT hake IQF from Uruguay has been offered from RUB90.00 per kilo of the size 500+, meat in cubes has been offered at RUB63.00 per kilo.

In Saint Petersburg prices for American HGT hake amount to RUB98.00 per kilo of the size 500-800, while hake fillets have been offered at RUB147.00 per kilo of the size 320+ and RUB149.00 per kilo of the size 200+.

Chinese hake fillets skin-on have been sold ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB78.00 per kilo of the count 6-8 and from RUB80.00 per kilo of the count 8+.


According to foreign sources, export of squid from main suppliers such as Argentina, Peru and Chile to the world market has been declining. Exporters attribute the decline to influence of the world economic crisis. In particular, squid export from Peru has decreased by 13% in the course of the first eight months of the current year 2009. On the Russian market the demand for squid remains stable, while in the course of the second week of October 2009 the prices for B.magister squid in Moscow have continued gradually falling.

During the week from 6 to 13 October 2009 the total Russian harvest of B.magister squid decreased to 2,385 tonnes. Since the beginning of the season through to 13 October 2009 the vessels owned by BAMR-Roliz harvested ca.27,489 tonnes of squid in the Northwest Pacific waters.

Squid harvested by NBAMR has been available ex-coldstore in Moscow at RUB65.00 per kilo. Prices on prepayment basis start from RUB62.00 per kilo.

Sea-frozen skinned squid fillets made by Okeanrybflot have been sold at RUB100.00 per kilo, while interleaved fillets have been sold at RUB112.00 per kilo.

Fillets of giant squid from Peru have been offered in Saint Petersburg at RUB40.00 per kilo.

Cleaned squid tubes U5, 7, 10 of the Chinese origin have been traded from RUB86.00 per kilo in Moscow.


According to the market participants, the situation on the saury grounds has remained fairly good. The saury harvest has been poor with all the fish sent for canning and producer prices of canned saury have grown much higher.

In particular, canned saury (tin No.6) made by Primrybsnab has been offered at a unit price from RUB22.00 in Vladivostok. Canned saury made by ZAO Ostrovnoy (closed jsc) has been marketed at RUB25.00.

The prices of high quality blast frozen saury 29+ in Vladivostok amount to ca. RUB44.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of October 2009 the prices on the market of pangasius fillets from Vietnam have been decreasing. Large importers have reduced their prices for pangasius to RUB68.00 per kilo.

The majority of offers from importers amount to RUB75.00-80.00 per kilo.


As per the second week of October 2009 prices for the Chinese tilapia fillets in Moscow have continued declining.

More specifically, Chinese fillets of tilapia have been offered in Saint Petersburg from RUB82.00 per kilo of the count 3-5 subject to prepayment. The count 5-7 has been sold at RUB87.00 per kilo. Cash on delivery prices amount to ca. RUB87.00 per kilo of the count 3-5 and RUB91.00 per kilo of the count 5-7. In Moscow the prices have been fluctuating at about RUB90.00 per kilo of the count 3-5 and at RUB95.00 per kilo of the count 5-7.


As per the second week of October 2009 the shrimp market has been showing stable trends. The demand for shrimp as a delicatessen product has been weak. Some market participants report a shortage of tiger shrimp supply from Bangladesh, while importers do not have enough coldstore inventories. White shrimp has slightly depreciated.

Frozen northern shrimp from Denmark has been sold at RUB110.00-120.00 per kilo of the count 50/70, at RUB85.00-110.00 per kilo of the count 70/90 and at RUB100.00-115.00 per kilo of the count 90/120.

Head-on white shimp Vannamei from Thailand has been marketed at RUB170.00 per kilo of the count 51-60, at RUB180.00 per kilo of the count 41-50 and at RUB205.00 per kilo of the count 31-40.

Average frozen fish prices (wholesale) in Moscow as per 12 October 2009

SpeciesSizeCountry of originPrice in RUB per kilo
Pink salmon head-on gutted1+Russia45.0070.00
Pink salmon w/r1+Russia44.0052.50
Chum salmon headedRussia92.0093.00
Chum salmon head-on gutted82.0086.00
Baltic sprat10-1225.0026.50
Baltic herring18+31.0034.00
Blue whiting30.0034.00
Alaska pollock headed250+57.0058.00
Salmon roe saltedcubotainerRussia700.00950.00
Hake HGTUSA71.5080.00
Squid tubesRussia63.0068.00
Atlantic salmon 6-7Norway250.00280.00
Atlantic salmon 7-8Norway205.00250.00
Trout 1.8-2.7Chile220.00260.00
Trout 2.7-4.0Chile230.00270.00

Wholesale prices in RUB per kilo in Moscow as per 12 October 2009

Ultrafish, OOORussian Fish Company, ZAOGulfstream, ZAOFiord, OOOSebastes, OOOIrna, OOO TPKTALEX Group of Companies
Pink salmon head-on gutted1+57.0070.0048.0045.0046.0053.50
Pink salmon w/r1+48.0045.0045.0052.50
Chum salmon headed86.5070.0063.0065.50
Chum salmon headed gutted92.0093.00
Chum salmon head-on gutted82.0086.0086.00
300+29.5031.2034.0032.00 33.50
350+38.5043.00 38.00
Mackerel300-50055.5055.9069.00 72.00
Baltic sprat10-1226.50 
Baltic herring18+ 
Capelin30-4034.0030.9029.0037.50 36.00
40-5525.90 31.00
Blue whiting30.0034.00 33.50
Pollock headed250+57.9058.00 57.0060.50
300+58.9059.00 58.00
350+59.9060.00 59.00
Salmon roe saltedcubotainer714.00 
Hake HGT300-50071.5074.9079.0080.0079.0074.00
Squid tubesRussia67.9071.0065.0063.0064.00
Atlantic salmon 6-7Norway278.00250.00273.00 
Atlantic salmon 7-8Norway290.00260.00 
Trout 0.9-1.8Chile205.00227.00250.00 
Trout 1.8-2.7Chile240.00220.00232.00260.00 
Trout 2.7-4.0Chile240.00230.00232.00270.00 
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