Outlook for Russian fisheries in Murmansk-led North Basin in April 2009

April 6, 2009 16:22

Taking into account the fishery conditions and current legislation, no considerable changes in the location of the Russian fleets in the Barents Sea are expected in April 2009, fishery sources in Murmansk told www.fishnet-russia.com (https://www.fishnet.ru/).

According to the shipowners' plans, the bulk of the vessels will continue targeting cod, haddock and saithe in the Norwegian EEZ. A considerable improvement of the fishery situation is hardly possible as the bulk of the largest fish will most probably stay in the narrow inshore zone inaccessible for the Russian trawlers (according to the directive Paskestopp J-meld 58-2009 § 34, Norway's fishery authorities have suspended for the Easter period cod, haddock and saithe fishery in the Norwegian EEZ on the main part of the fishing area close to the spawning grounds from 1 pm 8 April 2009 to 4 pm 13 April 2009, while the ban for trawl and Danish seine bottomfish operations is extended to 10 am 14 April 2009).

As a result, Russia's total bottomfish harvest in April 2009 is expected either to stay at the level of March 2009 or dwindle by 5-10%.

The most favourable season for capelin fishery is over, therefore the fishery conditions are expected to gradually worsen. The bulk of large mature fish will remain in the vicinity to the spawning grounds. Fishery with a gradual decrease of efficiency and quality of the raw fish will be possible on separate small concentrations in the inshore waters along the shores of Murman and Northern Norway. Favourable conditions for blue whiting fishery in the international waters to the west of the British Isles are also coming to an end. The bulk of spent fish will move northwards to the feeding grounds in the Norwegian Sea, therefore the fishing areas will also move to the north from the Rockall Bank to the Faroese fishing zone. The fishery stability and the total harvest of blue whiting in the transition period will decrease greatly.

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