Olympic Coaching at AquaVision 2010

February 24, 2010 10:42

The best thing to do with sacred cows is to eat them, claims AquaVision speaker Dr Robert Kriegel, catchily naming one of his books Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers, reports www.megafishnet.com with reference to Skretting.

At the upcoming AquaVision 2010 conference in June, Mr Kriegel will urge delegates to get out of the box in his speech "Riding the wave of change - Rethinking the rules, reinventing the game".

Robert Kriegel has developed innovative strategies for keeping ahead of changes, challenges and competition. In his speech at AquaVision he will relate these strategies to the aquaculture business.

As a former all-American swimmer and a co-founder one of America's first sports psychology institutes, Robert Kriegel has earned a wide reputation for his methods to increase motivation and increase performance.

His methods apply to sports and business alike, making him a preferred coach for Olympic teams and for top global companies. His references include many top ranking business champions such as Apple, Coca-Cola, Levi-Straus, McDonald's, Nokia, Shell and Toyota, just to mention a few.

AquaVision 2010
Expected to attract 500 stakeholders from 35 countries AquaVision 2010 will be the 8th Aquaculture Business Conference, this year titled "Open Your Eyes - Oceans of Opportunities". Scheduled from 7 to 9 June, the 2010 event will address issues related to sustainability, finance, marketing, communication and innovation. The conference will also have a deeper look into the drivers for perception and how perception can be changed. Conference speakers include a range of experts and top leaders, environmentalists, academics and fish farmers.

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