April 23, 2010 09:40

The Sustainable Ocean Summit will bring together Corporate Ocean
Responsibility” leaders to tackle an ambitious program on shared
marine environmental challenges, reports www.megafishnet.com with reference to Sustainable Ocean Summit.

22 April 2010 –

On Earth Day it’s important to remember that over 70% of the Earth is
actually ocean - and that industry action is essential to addressing
environmental issues in the interconnected global marine ecosystem.

Ocean industries will gather at the Sustainable Ocean Summit - the
first international, cross-sectoral business conference on ocean
sustainability (Belfast, UK, 15-17 June, 2010) - to develop the
leadership and collaboration needed to tackle marine environmental
challenges. The conference program targets comprehensive coverage of
cross-cutting ocean issues with an unparalleled mix of senior ocean
industry speakers and panelists.

The ocean supports a wide range of uses - shipping, fisheries, oil and
gas, aquaculture, renewable energy, mining, tourism, etc. While many
companies are making important efforts to reduce their ocean
footprint, the best efforts by a single company or sector won’t be
enough in an interconnected ocean ecosystem. Sustaining ocean health
requires responsible use and stewardship by all users.

A growing number and range of industries share the World Ocean Council
(WOC) vision of a healthy and productive global ocean and its
sustainable use and stewardship by responsible companies. They are
joining this unique international business leadership alliance on
ocean sustainability and are calling on others to participate in the
WOC and the Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS).

The SOS is an unprecedented gathering of the diverse ocean business
community. It will kick-off with the “Roundtable of Ocean Industry
Association Leaders”, the first-ever gathering of 20 international
ocean-related industry associations.

During the SOS, business representatives will work together to
identify the priorities and develop the cross-sectoral industry
efforts needed to work on shared ocean sustainability issues in
relation to:

•       Ocean Industries and Ocean Science
•       Climate Change and Ocean Use
•       Marine Ecosystem Services and Climate Change
•       International Ocean Policy and the Future of Industry
•       Risk and Ocean Environmental Issues
•       Environmental Education and Training for Marine Professionals
•       Biosecurity and Invasive Species
•       Ocean Industries and Marine Mammal Interactions
•       Marine Debris
•       Food from Crowded Seas
•       Renewable Energy from Crowded Seas
•       Vessels, Ports and Marine Environmental Quality
•       Arctic Marine Ecosystem Challenges and Opportunities for Industry
•       Regional Approaches to Ocean Industry Alliances

In the closing plenary on “Improving Media, Public and NGO
Understanding of Ocean Industries”, SOS participants will work with
media representatives to improve communications on the role and
actions of responsible ocean businesses.

A special half-day seminar on “Marine Spatial Planning - What Ocean
Industries Need to Know” will bring together experts and industry
representatives to focus on this rapidly emerging approach to marine
governance and develop the proactive role of industry involvement.

The Sustainable Ocean Summit is organized in partnership with Golder
Associates and is open to all ocean stakeholders. For information and
registration visit www.oceancouncil.org

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The World Ocean Council is the international, cross-sectoral industry
alliance for private sector leadership and collaboration in ocean
stewardship. Companies and associations worldwide are distinguishing
themselves as sustainability leaders by joining the WOC as Founding
Members in 2009/2010.

WOC Members to date include: ExxonMobil, Rio Tinto, the International
Chamber of Shipping, RightShip, the North American Marine Environment
Protection Association (NAMEPA), Twin Dolphins, Transocean, the Ocean
Education, Technology and Science Partnership, Golder Associates, TORM
AS, Nautilus Minerals, Det Norske Veritas (DNV),Holman Fenwick Willan,
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C., Blank Rome.

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