Norwegian Salmon Exports Enjoy Strongest January Month Ever

February 10, 2011 11:33

Exports of Norwegian Salmon in January totalled NOK 2.4 billion, according to the latest figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council. This is the highest export value ever registered for the month of January and represents an increase of NOK 587 million or 33% compared to January 2010. At the same time, the volume of exports increased by 1% to 56,000 tonnes, reports with reference to NSEC.

"The good growth we are seeing in the value of exports is attributable to higher prices for Norwegian Salmon this year compared to the same time last year. This is the result of strong growth in global demand for Norwegian Salmon," explains market analyst Paul Aandahl from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council.

Continued high prices for Norwegian Salmon

In January, the export price for fresh Norwegian Salmon was NOK 39.67 per kg. This is NOK 10.49 higher than a year ago. Compared to the average price in December, January prices were NOK 2.48 lower.

Strongest growth in exports to markets outside EU

Although the majority of Norwegian Salmon exports are to nearby EU markets, the total volume of exports to these markets showed a decline in January of 4% to 38,499 tonnes product weight. On the other hand, exports of Norwegian Salmon to markets in Asia increased in volume by 18% to 8,126 tonnes, while the volume of exports to eastern Europe increased by 25% to 8,718 tonnes. Exports to the USA showed a decline in volume of 29% to 1,910 tonnes.

Exports of Norwegian Fjord Trout down

In January, the value of exports of Norwegian Fjord Trout totalled NOK 122 million, which is NOK 5 million up on January last year. The volume of exports fell by 869 tonnes to 2,734 tonnes. Russia is the dominant market for Norwegian Fjord Trout, accounting for 44% of the total export volume. Last year, Russia's share of total export volume was 53%.

 Norwegian Fjord Trout better paid than Norwegian Salmon

In January, the average price for fresh whole Norwegian Fjord Trout was NOK 45.93. This was NOK 5.61 higher than the price for fresh whole Norwegian Salmon.

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