Nicaragua will supply seafood to Russia

April 13, 2009 11:04

Nicaragua and Russia have signed a memorandum on shipments of shrimps and seafood to the Russian market, reports ( with reference to RIA Novosti.

Specialists from Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) have completed a fortnight inspection of Nicaraguan fish processing plants and sanitary laboratories on the country's Pacific and Atlantic coasts and the results of the check have satisfied the Russian vets.

For Nicaragua the memo's signing has a great historic importance because it gives way to enter the promising Russian market, said the nation's Minister of Agriculture Ariel Bucardo. For Nicaragua it is very important to develop seafood export to Russia in order to decrease the country's dependence on the traditional markets. At present, Nicaragua ships seafood to the USA, Japan and to neighboring countries of Latin America.

According to Nicaragua's customs, last year the volume of Nicaragua's export to Russia amounted to only 6.2 million USD or mere 0.4% of the country's foreign trade turnover which exceeded 1.5 billion USD in 2008.

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