New record for exports of Norwegian Salmon and Norwegian Fjord Trout

February 9, 2010 16:43

Exports of Norwegian Salmon and Norwegian Fjord Trout have never been higher than in 2009, according to figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council. Exports of Norwegian Salmon increased by NOK 5.8 billion to NOK 23.7 billion, while exports of Norwegian Fjord Trout increased by NOK 120 million to NOK 1.9 billion, reports .

"Despite the economic crisis and growing levels of unemployment in many of our most important markets, demand for Norwegian Salmon and Norwegian Fjord Trout is growing. Norway has never produced more salmon than at present and at the same time the price is also going up," says market analyst Paul Aandahl from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council.
In 2009, the average export price for fresh whole Norwegian Salmon  was NOK 30.72 per kg. This is NOK 3.77 higher than in 2008. The total volume of exports of whole fresh Norwegian Salmon increased by 56,831 tonnes from 2008.

Strong growth in exports of Norwegian Salmon fillets

In 2009, exports of Norwegian Salmon fillets increased by 74% to NOK 4.5 billion. This means that the share of Norwegian Salmon exports sold as fillets has increased from 13.7% in 2008 to 19% in 2009. The majority of this increase is accounted for by exports to the USA, which received no less than 27% of all Norwegian Salmon fillet exports last year.

Norway's most international industry

Norwegian Salmon is exported to a total of 96 countries. The biggest market is France, which in 2009 imported Norwegian Salmon to a value of NOK 3.9 billion. The USA is the market with the strongest growth, up by NOK 1 billion or 306% in 2009. This growth is largely attributable to increased demand for Norwegian Salmon in the USA as a result of reduced supplies from Chile.

Norwegian Fjord Trout exports up in price, down in volume

Exports of Norwegian Fjord Trout showed the highest value ever recorded. This was the result of increased prices for fresh whole Norwegian Fjord Trout, which in 2009 increased by NOK 5.98 to NOK 30.71 per kg. However, the total volume of exports declined by 12,393 tonnes to 61,317 tonnes. Russia is the most important market for Norwegian Fjord Trout, accounting for 57% of the total value of exports. The next biggest market is Japan, with an 8% share of exports. 

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