Moscow importer reports surging hake sales

November 21, 2006 12:08
The Moscow-based seafood importer CJSC REAL has increased hake sales on the Russian market four times since the line was included in the firm's range in 2004, according to REAL.

During the 2006 season the importer has been profiting from co-operation with the Russian Far East-based Magellan Fishing Company to make use of its processing fleet in order to supply the domestic market with HGT Pacific hake of Russian manufacture.

The company says that the hake products made onboard Russian factory trawlers in terms of quality in fact exceed the competing wares from the land-based plants of USA and Canada. Besides, production on the Russian vessels has secured a price advantage for REAL and the customers.


In the last 5 years the imports into Russia have doubled with the average price per imported tonne rising 2.4 times. As a result every second kilo of seafood consumed by the Russians has imported origins, REAL pointed out.

In this context REAL has found the right balance supplying both imported and Russian-made products.

On the Russian side, REAL has established an active co-operation with fishing firms in The Russian Far East, Murmansk-led North Basin and Kaliningrad-led West Basin to channel the seafood to the Russian customers through its network of dealers in 34 Russian regions.

The continuously available range on offer includes both deli items like chilled Atlantic salmon and salmon trout as well as more affordable products such as hake , herring, pink salmon, chum salmon, Alaska pollock, squid, blue whiting, polar cod Boreogadus saida, longfin codling Laemonema, etc.

More information from Mr. Gleb Tsukalov,

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