Moscow-based shareholders increased share in major pollock harvester and processor

September 12, 2008 12:53
Moscow-based ZAO "Trade House "Fili" has consolidated control packet of shares of OAO Preobrazhenskaya Baza Tralovogo Flota (plc), PBTF for short, reports with reference to Zolotoy Rog.

In June 2008 ZAO "Trade House "Fili" bought out 18.23% of PBTF shares and in August added some 5% more belonging to the company Sinko Sedzi Co. Ltd. registered in Vladivostok.

Another 39.9% of shares of the largest fishery enterprise in the Far East belong to two physical persons, 12.8% are owned by OOO "Vympel". It is worth noting that in 2007 the share of OOO "ARGO-1" in PBTF was 5.24% and the share of ZAO PPO "Promorskoe" was 15.95%. These enterprises were part of Oleg Kozhemyako' business.

The first major deal of the new shareholders may have to do with the acquisition of several fishing companies. According to Zolotoy Rog, PBTF' shareholders in August approved a big deal, exceeding 50% of the company's balance sheet value. The matter concerns the purchasing of the Nakhodka-based Far Eastern Fishing Company (OOO "Dalnevostochnaya Rybolovnaya Company"), specializing in Alaska pollock capture and processing, Zarubinskaya Base of Fleet Co., Ltd (OOO "Zarubinskaya Basa Flota") and other companies.

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