MIT laurels for Damco’s carbon footprint measure

February 26, 2010 16:05

The most precise instrument to pinpoint CO2 emission "hotspots" comes from Damco. This was announced in a newly published joint study, conducted by Damco and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, reports with reference to MAERSK.

The study, conducted by MIT's Center for Transportation & Logistics, found Damco's way of measuring carbon foot print to be up to 25% more accurate than other approaches.

Damco is one of the world's leading providers of freight forwarding and supply chain management services. The SupplyChain CarbonCheckTM helps companies assess and reduce their supply chain carbon emissions. Since late 2007, Damco has conducted SupplyChain CarbonCheckTM projects for a wide range of companies globally.

With a 5-step methodology Damco enables customers to reduce CO2 emissions and increase supply chain efficiency at the same time.

"Accurate CO2 mapping of the supply chains is critical for the companies that want to take the right actions and reduce their carbon emissions, cut cost, and deliver on sustainability strategies", says Erling Johns Nielsen, Global Head of Damco's Supply Chain Development.

The main conclusions in the MIT study are that Damco's approach to carbon footprinting is more comprehensive and accurate than the predominant carbon footprint assessment - especially when ocean logistics are part of the mix.

According to MIT's researchers, the previous calculations have in some cases caused erroneous fluctuations of up to 25% in the estimation of carbon emissions due to the transport of products from the factory door in Asia to a distribution centre in the United States.

"There have been no common standards for third party logistics providers when they calculate a company's carbon footprint. Damco, through its work with MIT, has now established a new industry benchmark for how supply chain carbon emissions should be calculated in a uniform way," Erling Johns Nielsen says.

The added value of Damco's SupplyChain CarbonCheckTM methodology is, in part, based on improved operational insights and live data.

Damco's work doesn't stop here.

"We have an ongoing commitment to create value for our customers and enable them to reduce their carbon footprint and associated costs. This is something we continue to invest in," says Martin Thaysen, Chief Commercial Officer for Damco.

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