Busan pollock roe auctions run slower than usual

May 12, 2021 09:07

A second series of Russian pollock roe auctions has just started in Busan after the Golden week (Apr 29 – May 8). Unlike previous years, when fishing companies did their best to bring to Busan and sell as much roe as possible before the Golden week, this year the situation is different, reports Megafishnet.com.

Long tramper idling before berthing and discharge at the port of Busan (from 2 to 4 weeks) is the main reason for such a change.  More than 2 thousand tons of roe was discharged over the holidays and about 1 thousand tons is still in waiting for discharge at the moment. 

During the week before the Golden week, about 3.5 thousand tons of roe were auctioned on Apr 27-28.  The prices were at their high: in average over $7 per kg reaching as high as $8.50 for standard grade sacks produced by some vessels. Lower grade lots were sold at the level of $6 per kg and higher. According to some Russian sales executives Korean processors and Korean traders were most active. Large Japanese buyers of Russian roe took a break apparently waiting for the price drop in May and more roe volumes coming to Busan. Japanese processors producing mid-priced roes for Japanese retail are unitedly referring to the current price level as too high for their business.

Over 4 thousand tons of roe was auctioned on May 12-13, totaling to 14 thousand tons of sold roe – app. 50% of total produced pollock roe volume in Russia of 29 thousand tons as produced in 2021. Most likely roe sales will go in till late June.

MSC-certification of East Sakhalin Pollock fishery contributed to increasing demand for pollock roe caught in this zone. Before Japanese roe processors were not so active in buying non-MSC East Sakhalin roes, however this year they have already shown keen interest in MSC-certified East Sakhalin roe.  Quality wise last year East Sakhalin roe was evaluated better than Sea of Okhotsk roe by Japanese roe experts.

For copyright please contact Vera Aldokhina at vera@megafishnet.com.

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