List of Canadian fish processing plants approved for export to the Russian Federation and holding valid contracts with Russian importers

March 20, 2009 09:33

FISHNET has published the List of Canadian fish processing plants approved for export to the Russian Federation and holding valid contracts with Russian importers according to Directive of Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) No. FS-GK-4/732 dated 4 February 2009.

Subscribers to the Russian Fish Report PROFI Pack are welcome to download the file from the Publications page of the site at

FOR MORE DETAILS regarding subscription to the Russian Fish Report PROFI Pack please feel free to contact our sales manager Oksana Kozlova icq 402622314 at, tel./fax: +7 81153 38685, 39081.

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