Kamchatka fishermen allowed to harvest more sockeye

June 29, 2009 11:45

In late June head of Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency Andrey Krainy has decided to allocate extra volumes for sockeye capture in the Petropavlovsk-Komandor subarea, reports www.fishnet-russia.com (www.fishnet.ru) with reference to IA REGNUM.

More specifically, the approved extra volumes amount to 1500 tonnes of sockeye. This year the allowed sockeye harvest in the Petropavlovsk-Komandor subarea has been set at 6156 tonnes. By late June 2009 most companies of Ust-Kamchatsky district have practically covered their allocations as the salmon season has taken off early this year. The season has got started in the northeast coast of the peninsula one week earlier than usually thanks to strong salmon runs and efficient operations of the local fishery management commission.

The fishery management commission has made a decision to allocate an extra 500 tonnes of sockeye for the companies based in the district of Ust-Kamchatka and 140 tonnes for the companies operating in the Olyutorsk Bay. Taking into account large runs of sockeye in the Karaginsk subarea (Olyutorsk Bay) the commission has recommended KamchatNIRO to prepare the grounds to increase the harvest of the species in the area by 1000 tonnes.

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