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Russia-led Custom Union and EU Vet Officials discussing Meat and Fish Certification Issues
December 7, 2012 10:45

The meeting of Russian and EU Vet officials was held in Cyprus on 26-27 November 2012 and was devoted to technical issues regarding development of veterinary certificates different from common forms of the CU veterinary certificates. Spokesmen for the Customs Union, the European Economic Commission, the European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection (DG SANCO) and the EU-members took part in the meeting

EU Common Fisheries Policy in November 2012
December 7, 2012 10:30

EU Common Fisheries Policy in November 2012 has seen a number of important developments

Common Fisheries Policy Developments in September 2012
October 2, 2012 16:35

There were a number of important developments in EU Common Fisheries Policy in September 2012

Fishery Head gives High Marks to Leadership of Fishery Sector and calls for Regulation from Sea to Plate
September 3, 2012 17:42

Russia's fishery head Andrei Krainy has called for extension of powers of his office from fisheries proper to the whole product chain from sea to plate while praising his subordinate fishery industry as ready for WTO

Abortive Nomination of Russia's Fishery Head for Deputy Minister of Agriculture
August 20, 2012 16:51

Nomination of Russia's Fishery head Andrei Krainy for approval by PM Medvedev to a higher position of Deputy Minister of Agriculture - Chief of Federal Fisheries Agency has been turned down as in contradiction with the government's new structure

Russia's Fishery Agencies drafting Amendments for current Fishery and Aquaculture Legislation
August 13, 2012 16:55

Russia's Federal Fishery Agencies is drafting a number of amendments to the current Fishery Law as well as a number of separate laws, the need for changes arising from problems encountered by the industry both from the point of view of the players and the government bodies

Russia urging Pacific Andes and other foreign interests with illicit control of nation’s fisheries to plead guilty
July 31, 2012 23:44

On the eve of August current Russian Prime Minister Medvedev has told the Commission for Control of Foreign Investments that he is concerned about the way the foreign companies behave in the Russian Far Eastern Fisheries as regards alleged illegal control of the strategic industry

Russia Fishery Head boosted to Position of Deputy Minister of Agriculture
July 20, 2012 10:21

Russia's Fishery head Andrei Krainy has been nominated for approval by PM Medvedev to a higher position of Deputy Minister of Agriculture - Chief of Federal Fisheries Agency

Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency setting up international co-operation to stop illegal crab deliveries in Pacific
July 19, 2012 09:48

Andrey Krainy,Deputy Minister of Agruiculture and Head of Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency Rosrybolovstvo, promised to stop illegal crab traffic in Pacific by the end 2012

Russian Agriculture ministry to prepare Fishery Development Program
July 19, 2012 09:40

The Agriculture Ministry of Russia is to finish preparation of Russian Fishery Development Program till 2020. The deadline is end of August. The Program was mentioned by Minister Nikolay FEDOROV during Duma hearings on WTO

Rosselhkonadzor's vet team to discuss safety of fish products exported from Morocco
July 18, 2012 12:45

According to the previously achieved agreements, negotiations will take place from 16-21 July this year in Morocco to confirm the previously achieved agreements on cooperation between the Rosselkhoznadzor and the National Office for Food Safety of Morocco during export of Moroccan products under quarantine to Russia

Russia's Fish Union urged Lower House to make law on food traceability
July 6, 2012 15:45

Russia's Fish Union amalgamating one of two rival groups of seafood importers and processors has called on Duma to make a Federal Law on origin, movement and identification of food products

Russian fish and seafood import report for 2009-2011 published online
July 3, 2012 09:56
Nearly 1700 foreign fish exporters are competing for the lucrative Russian seafood market and FISHNET analysts ( have produced an exclusive report to turn spotlight on each supplier, their counterpart importers based on actual customs-cleared seafood shipments.
An agreement on strategic cooperation with "Vladimir leasing company"
June 28, 2012 08:57

Reached an agreement on strategic cooperation "Duko-Tech" and "Vladimir leasing company." For greater availability of equipment, "Duko-Technician" to our customers, developed a special program to lease on favorable terms.

Russian fishery industry showing good rate of investment growth
June 19, 2012 23:09

The Russian Statistics Committee published the report "Commissioning of Production Facilities in the Russian Federation in 2011".

Industry's Associations discussing Prospects for National Fisheries under WTO
June 19, 2012 22:55

The Fisheries sector of Russia may use WTO mechanisms to remove barriers for promotion of products to some countries. Such barriers exist in the form of special registration of exporters, complicated and sophisticated procedure of passing such registration

Russian fisheries enjoying high priority on agenda of new Minister of Agriculture
June 5, 2012 11:02

With recently appointed Minister Nikolay Federov fisheries industry, which has always been a step daughter for the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, has got the chance to become one of priority sectors for development, reports

Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency transferred under umbrella of Ministry of Agriculture
May 22, 2012 14:12

By President's decree dated 22 May current Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency has been transferred under the Ministry of Agriculture

Brussels gets underway
April 25, 2012 08:17
The European Seafood Exposition in Brussels was formally opened this morning and continues until Thursday. Among those participating are a 15-strong team from HB Grandi. Alongside the Seafood Exposition itself, a sister event, Seafood Processing Europe, is being held as the platform for companies providing equipment or offering services to the seafood processing industry, reports with reference to HB Grandi.
Russian Fishery reform should focus on boosting modern consumption patterns
April 20, 2012 10:09

As Russia is close to joining WTO, authorities at last started to think how to keep tax collection after transition period and cutting import taxes and tariffs. One of possible ways is to increase the added value, e.g. by development of domestic processing. It's a good reason to discuss what we could do to increase production of value added products (particularly - fish) in Russia, an industry insider shared his views on the subject with

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