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Icelandic Group fully owned by Vestia Holdings
February 16, 2010 15:44

Vestia Holdings ehf. (Vestia), a subsidiary of the Icelandic bank NBI hf., has assumed 100% ownership of Eignarhaldsfelagið IG ehf. (IG Holdings ehf), the parent company of Icelandic Group. This will have no effect on Icelandic Group´s business activities or daily operations but provide strong support to the Group's management in realizing the company's full capabilities.

Export Packers Adopts Safe Harbor® Mercury Testing Program for Seafood
February 16, 2010 15:33

Export Packers Company Limited has announced that it has obtained the exclusive rights for all of Canada to supply seafood under the Safe Harbor mercury certification program which will enable Export Packers to supply the Canadian market with healthier seafood.

IBERCISA Winches for Icelandic Fishing Vessels
February 16, 2010 14:52

The fishing Icelandic company, Uthafsskip with two trawlers freezers vessels, received her second pair of trawlers winches for his "Glorya" vessel, acquired to the IBERCISA company; confirming hereby the confidence put in the equipments of Spanish manufacture, and having in these moments equipments on their two trawlers vessels.

Global Invention: Cryo-preservation of fish embryos
February 16, 2010 14:29

The Norwegian company Cryogenetics Ltd. has made a significant breakthrough by inventing a method for cryo-preservation of fish embryos down to -130° C (-202° F).

The course of fisheries as per 15th of February 2010
February 16, 2010 09:23
Catching in a vast area from Porcupine in the South-West to the Barents Sea in North-East. Total catch last week; 116.000 MT, reports
Thai Frozen sees profits jump
February 16, 2010 09:16
Thai Union Frozen Group, maker of Chicken of the Sea tuna, has posted a jump in full-year profits, reports
Thai Union formed JV to produce high grade tuna oil
February 16, 2010 09:11
Thai Union Frozen Products PLC (TUF)'s president, Thiraphong Chansiri, revealed that TUF's subsidiary Thai Union Manufacturing, Co., Ltd., entered into an agreement with Nippon Suisan Kaisha Limited, a leading Japanese seafood company, to set up TN Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. With the registered capital of 90 million baht, the new firm aims to develop seafood by-products into fine chemical products that can be used as ingredients in dietary supplements and pharmaceutical products, reports
Baltic Sea Action Summit in Helsinki a success
February 15, 2010 16:44

The Baltic Sea Action Summit that was held in Helsinki on Wednesday, 10 February was a success in the opinion of the arrangers. The summit attracted a large and high-level group of participants to Finlandia Hall to tell about their commitments to protect the Baltic Sea. All in all around 500 persons were on hand for the event.

China set to become largest grocery market by 2014
February 15, 2010 14:39

China is set to overtake the US as the world's largest grocery market for the first time by 2014, new research has suggested.

Brief overview of key markets for Pacific seafood as per first week of February 2010
February 15, 2010 12:50

In the first week of February 2010 the US producers of pollock were only unrolling operations on the grounds, while their Russian colleagues continued working with their sleeves rolled up and reported record high catches for the recent years.

Nutreco reports strong 2nd half year 2009, significantly ahead of 2008
February 15, 2010 11:44

Wout Dekker, Nutreco CEO: " We are pleased with the performance in 2009 despite the economic turmoil. Nutreco applied strong measures at the beginning of 2009 to withstand the recession.

New Simrad ES70 improves catch efficiency with multiple new features
February 15, 2010 09:45
Simrad, one of the world's most recognized brands within professional fishing electronics showed its brand new echo sounder, the ES70, for the first time at the World Fishing exhibition last fall. The new product is now shipping, reports
Skipper of Lundey NS (HB Grandi): Quiet on pearlside - gearing up for capelin
February 13, 2010 08:55

F/V Lundey NS.‘The best I can say is that this has been very quiet fishing. We tow all day long and are satisfied with 100 tonnes at the end of it. Yesterday we finished up with only 60 tonnes, which isn't enough to be satisfied with,' said skipper Arnthór Hjörleifsson of Lundey NS when we spoke to him yesterday afternoon, HB Grandi reported on 12 February.

Renewal of fisheries contract between Iceland and the Faroes
February 12, 2010 16:50

Iceland´s Minister of Fisheries, Jon Bjarnason, and his Faroese counterpart met in Torshavn, capital of the Faroe Islands, earlier in the week and on 9th February they signed a new fisheries contract between the two countries. Some highlights:

Ten unique containers make “Trip around the World”
February 12, 2010 14:45

Over the next two years, ten unique containers will snake their way through Maersk Line's global shipping network as part of the "Trip around the World" art project.

The course of the fisheries as per 8th of February 2010
February 12, 2010 11:00
Still good catches of Atlanto Scandic herring, - both opening and end of capelin at Iceland, - first catches of blue whiting in the EU zone, - the final sprat at open sea - and just one catch of mackerel - from a foreign vessel, reports with reference to Norges Sildesalgslag.
Strategic Cooperation Agreement between CPF and AKVA
February 11, 2010 17:12

Charoen Phokphand Foods Ltd., the world's leading producer and supplier of farmed White Shrimp, and AKVA group ASA, the world's leading supplier of technology for the aquaculture industry, have signed a strategic cooperation agreement for developing a complete new production system for the production of white shrimp utilizing AKVA's recirculation technology and CPF's broad knowledge in shrimp farming.

Key developments in EU fisheries policy in January 2010
February 11, 2010 10:18

Within the framework of the common fisheries policy the following developments have taken place

ALDI launches first MSC-certified canned tuna product in Australia
February 11, 2010 09:24
ALDI becomes the first grocery retailer in Australia to introduce a sustainably fished canned tuna product with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) ecolabel, reports
CalamarineTM certified as sustainable
February 11, 2010 09:01
The Omega-3 ingredient CalamarineTM, made solely from the by-products of Calamari food processing, achieves Friend of the Sea certificationб reports
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