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Mixed long-term outlook for Norwegian salmon supply
March 16, 2010 10:31
In the long-term the outlook for Norwegian salmon supply is not as positive as its current growth. The thing is that in approximately two years the limitations arising from the current regulations and licenses are expected to arrest any further growth in Norway's salmon output, reports
Southeast U.S. North Atlantic swordfish fishery enters MSC full assessment process
March 16, 2010 10:25
The Southeast U.S. North Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius) pelagic longline and handgear buoy line fishery represented by Day Boat Seafood LLC is entering full assessment in the Marine Stewardship Council's (MSC) certification program for sustainable and well-managed fisheries, reports
Global Trust Certification accredited for MSC Fishery and Chain of Custody certifications
March 16, 2010 10:23
Global Trust Certification (formerly IFQC) has been accredited by independent accreditation body, Accreditation Services International, to carry out the assessment and certification of fisheries to the Marine Stewardship Council standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries. GTC has also been accredited to carry out certifications for the MSC chain of custody standard for seafood traceability, reports
Southern Red King crab fishery seeks MSC certification
March 16, 2010 10:21
The Southern Red King crab (Lithodes santolla) bottom trap pot fishery operating within the Federal Waters of the Argentine Economic Exclusive Zone is entering full assessment in the Marine Stewardship Council's (MSC) certification program for sustainable and well-managed fisheries, reports
World’s largest wild scallop fishery enters MSC full assessment process
March 16, 2010 10:18
The U.S. Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) dredge fishery operating in the exclusive economic zone of the United States of America offshore from Maine to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina is entering full assessment in the Marine Stewardship Council's (MSC) certification program for sustainable and well-managed fisheries, reports
First French fishery awarded MSC sustainability certification
March 16, 2010 10:15
EURONOR, the French saithe fishery, based in Boulogne-sur-Mer, has just been awarded the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certificate for sustainable and well-managed fisheries following a 13-month assessment. This is the first French fishery to achieve MSC certification and saithe (Pollachius virens) from the EURONOR fleet is now eligible to display the MSC eco-label, reports
Russian Far East fishermen to profit from EU buyer focus on Pollock
March 16, 2010 10:13
Of late the producers of value added bottom fish products in Germany and the UK have been making an increasing emphasis on Alaska Pollock. This is a good sign for the Russian fishermen who are working on MSC certification of this resource which splits into two units of certification, Sea of Okhotsk and West Bering Sea with the both of them under MSC full assessment for the past year, reports
Maersk's first Sustainability Report
March 16, 2010 10:13
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group reduced its emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses by 6.9 percent in 2009 compared with the year before, according to the Group's first Sustainability Report, reports
Icelandic leading harvester HB Grandi making good start of blue whiting fishery
March 16, 2010 09:44
Three of HB Grandi's pelagic vessels have started fishing on blue whiting and have made an excellent start to the season. Ingunn AK was first on the fishing grounds and is now on the way home with 1900 tonnes on board for two days fishing. There's a price to be paid for such good fishing as the grounds are west of Ireland, around 700 nautical miles from Iceland, reports with reference to HB Grandi's release dated 15 March 2010.
Fisheries: Unprecedented progress in protection of Indian Ocean fish stocks thanks to EU leadership
March 16, 2010 09:37
Strides forward were made last week by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission for the protection of the fish stocks in the Indian Ocean, such as tropical tunas and shark stocks, reports
Russian vets adjusting current import certificates to new sanitary rules in Norway
March 15, 2010 10:43
Due to the implementation by Norway's State Service for Plant, Fish, Animal and Food Surveillance of Norway of new sanitary rules for food products and feeds, correspondingly changes have been made in the coordinated veterinary certificates for fish and fish products exported from Norway to the Russian Federation as well as for fish and fish products imported to and temporarily stored in Norway, reports ( with reference to the official press-release of Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor).
Gloomy forecasts on Atlantic salmon prices
March 15, 2010 10:26
In the first half of March 2010 prices for fresh and chilled Atlantic salmon and trout continued rising, reports (
Russian Far East (RFE) Pollock fishery responding to market needs for sustainable Pollock products
March 13, 2010 09:52
Participants of the RFE pollock Fishery Improvement Partnership are working to respond to market needs for sustainable Pollock, , reports with reference to Sustainable Fisheries Partnership update issued on 12 March 2010.
North America seafood companies looking for sources of sustainable Russian salmon
March 13, 2010 09:51
Several North America seafood companies have expressed interest in working with SFP to identify sources of sustainable salmon in the Russian Far East (RFE) in Sakhalin Island, reports with reference to Sustainable Fisheries Partnership update issued on 12 March 2010.
Overview of fisheries in Russia's Far East as per 7th March 2010
March 12, 2010 15:15
In the first seven days of March 2010 the daily catch rates on the pollock grounds in the Sea of Okhotsk did not go beyond 9000 tonnes. The fishery was conducted by ca.160 vessels. Losses of the fishing time were mostly due to processing delays. Actual fishing time amounted to 80-85.50% of all the time spent by large trawlers at sea and 77-84% for middle trawlers, reports (
First results of Russian pollock roe auctions in Pusan
March 11, 2010 15:49
At the very beginning of March 2010 the first round of auction sales of pollock roe was held in Pusan (Republic of Korea). The pollock roe from Russia was offered for sale prior to the beginning of auctions in Seattle apparently because of large production volumes, reports (
Iceland Seafood International not affected by British Seafood issues
March 11, 2010 15:24
Further to media coverage of the issues at British Seafood, Iceland Seafood International (ISI) would like to confirm that British Seafood is not a shareholder of ISI, reports with reference to ISI.
Arctic Char is the backbone of fish farming in Iceland
March 11, 2010 15:23
In 2009 Iceland exported some 3,000 tons of Arctic Char in the value of ISK 2000 million (Eur 11,4 million, based on the current rate of exchange), reports with reference to ISI.
HB Grandi's pelagic vessels have finished their capelin season
March 11, 2010 15:21
Unless new developments occur, HB Grandi's pelagic vessels have finished their capelin season. They took their last catches yesterday with a combined catch for their final trips of 4900 tonnes, reports with reference to HB Grandi release dated 9 March.
Russian fisheries in North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic as per 1st week of March 2010
March 11, 2010 12:01
The total harvest of Russian vessels in the North Atlantic and Central Eastern Atlantic from 1 to 8 March 2010 grew to ca.27,600 tonnes, thus displaying an increase of 3600 tonnes on the result of the fourth week of February 2010, fishery sources in Murmansk told (, with reference to provisional figures of National Centre for Fisheries Monitoring and Communication.
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