Sergey Dankvert Working Visit to Uruguay

April 4, 2016 17:09

In the course of the working visit to the Eastern Republic of Uruguay the Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor visited the southern area of the country. Sergey Dankvert got acquainted with the work of "Erro" company which had increased the production of non-transgenic soybeans. Nowadays it has the opportunity to import the products of the registered lines of soybeans and non-transgenic soybeans and to ship this kind of products meeting the Russian requirements in the sphere of genetically modified products through ports without mixing, reports with reference to Rosselkhoznadzor.

"Erro" company expressed readiness for the customized growing of the registered lines of soybeans in the Russian Federation.

Also Sergey Dankvert visited "New Palmira" Uruguayan grain port and got acquainted with the technologies of shipment and storage of grain and soybeans, which fully comply with the requirements of separation into lines if necessary. One-time storage capacity of one of the three terminals is 460 thousand tons.

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