Salted trout from Santa Bremor acknowledged best red fish in Ukraine

December 22, 2008 16:40

 Lightly salted trout produced by Santa Bremor (leading fish processor and importer based in Belarus) has been acknowledged the best seafood TM on the Ukrainian market, according to the results of tastings and chemical expertise, reports ( with reference to the company's press-release.

The following five trademarks have been chosen to participate in the national competition called Znak Yakosti:

Number 1 - TM Moresvit

Number 2 - TM Premia

Number 3 - TM Rusalka

Number 4 - TM Vici

Number 5 - TM Ukrainian fish company (Santa Bremor)

Professional tasters have evaluated the fish preserves under 9 points scale. The only product which has got 4 points for its organoleptic qualities is TM Moresvit, three points have been given to Premia and Rusalka each and Vici and Ukrainian fish company have received two points each from the tasters.

However, non-professional consumer tastings have produced quite the opposite results: five points have been won by Ukrainian fish company. Premia, Rusalka and Vici have got three points each, while Moresvit-labelled fish has not been appreciated by the consumers at all (it has received 0 points).

According to the results of the physic-chemical analysis, only Ukrainian fish company has shown no problems as to the product's microbiological content and therefore it has got five points. The other TMs have displayed problems, namely Premia, Rusalka and Vici have been found to contain too many microorganisms which, though being safe, are indicative of certain violations of the production technology and hygiene standards. There TMs have received four points each. Moreover, the laboratorians have disclosed golden staphylococcus in Moresvit-labelled product and as this bacterium is hazardous for children and adults with weak immunity the product has been evaluated at two points.

Therefore, under three various examinations, the TMs have got the following marks:

TM Moresvit - poor

TM Premia - satisfactory

TM Rusalka - satisfactory

TM Vici - satisfactory

TM Ukrainian fish company (Santa Bremor) - good.

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