June 18, 2015 09:14

Faxi RE is on its way home and due to dock in Vopnafjördur on Wednesday morning with around 1050 tonnes of blue whiting on board. Skipper Karl Ferdinandsson said that fishing has been on the slow side this trip.

‘This has been fishing with 20-hour tows, so these have been long hauls. There’s no heavy fishing and now the blue whiting are finding their way out of Faroese waters and heading to the north-east,’ he said.

Most countries now appear to have fished their blue whiting quotas for this season and Karl Ferdinandsson said that there are now only eight Icelandic vessels still fishing, along with one from the Faroes and two Russians on the fishing grounds. As well as Faxi, Venus and Ingunn were on the same fishing grounds and he said that he expects Venus to sail for home shortly.

‘We took our last haul eighty nautical miles east of the Faroes earlier today and just for a change we had some good weather. The mackerel fishery will be next, and then Atlanto-Scandian herring. It’s as well to keep some of the blue whiting quota back and we can fish blue whiting again in November when the fish migrate back southwards,’ Karl Ferdinandsson said.

Source: HB Grandi
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