HB Grandi: Processing takes a short break at Vopnafjordur

August 3, 2010 11:09
Production at HB Grandi's processing plant at Vopnafjördur will be taking a short break starting with the Bank Holiday weekend at the beginning of August. This is only a short break and production is scheduled to resume on the 9th of August. The company's pelagic fleet will also be taking a break with each of the three pelagic vessels staying in port for a week before they return to fishing on herring and mackerel, reports http://www.megafishnet.com/ with reference to HB Grandi.

According to the Vopnafjördur factory's production manager Magnús Róbertsson, the break is very welcome after a very busy period this summer. A staff of 65 have been working on frozen production and there have been no problems maintaining staff levels for shift work. In previous years a six week break for staff holidays has been normal, but this year's much shorter break in production is much shorter, lasting only a week.

The harbour at Vopnafjördur has seen plenty of activity through July this year, with 25 landings by Faxi RE, Ingunn AK and Lundey NS this month. The last landing this month commenced on Wednesday when Ingunn docked with the last catch before the summer break.

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