HB Grandi: Back to fishing on herring and mackerel

August 6, 2010 10:18

HB Grandi's pelagic vessel Lundey NS is scheduled to sail tonight now that the company's fleet's short break is over. All three vessels stopped fishing in the middle of last week to fit in with the Vopnafjördur factory's break in production and are back at sea now to have raw material for production to resume next week, reports www.megafishnet.com with reference to HB Grandi.

According to Ingimundur Ingimundarson, head of HB Grandi's pelagic division, Faxi is expected to sail tomorrow night and Ingunn will follow on Saturday. So far this season HB Grandi's pelagic vessels have landed 7300 tonnes of Atlanto-Scandian herring, with 23,000 tonnes remaining of their quota. Catches of mackerel have been heavier, with 11,150 tonnes landed so far, leaving 4400 tonnes to be caught.

Factory trawlers Helga María AK and Örfirisey RE are now fishing on mackerel and they were been joined last week by fresher trawler Ottó N Thorláksson RE, which landed 235 tonnes of mackerel last Tuesday. Another fresher trawler, Ásbjörn RE, left harbour last night to start fishing mackerel.

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