Good fishing on blue whiting

April 27, 2010 09:01

HB Grandi's blue whiting quota is diminishing fast, with only 3000 tonnes of the company's quota left to be caught. This is equivalent to one trip each for two of the company's pelagic vessels, reports with reference to HB Grandi.

‘Faxi RE and Lundey NS are on their way to Vopnafjördur now with full tanks of chilled fish, which is around 2700 tonnes. Faxi is due in tonight and Lundey tomorrow morning,' said Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson, head of HB Grandi's pelagic division, adding that the overall blue whiting quotas that the company had this year came to 14,000 tonnes.

Both Faxi and Lundey have been fishing south of the Faroe Islands, while Ingunn AK is in dry dock for routine repairs and maintenance.

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